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Steve Bedell  |  Apr 01, 2004  | 

I love photographing big family groups. I do lots of them, usually in the summer when families get together, and many times at the beach since it's so gorgeous and people love it. It's one of my specialties, but many photographers shy away from...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2004  | 

The pendulum swings both ways. The world is ready for a return to good portraiture. It's obvious by the signs of the times...the demand, the sales! Fine portraiture has been around for a gazillion years. It will never disappear. Formal studio...

Steve Bedell  |  Oct 01, 2003  | 

My strong point has always been natural light. When clients call me about weddings, I tell them I am a "natural light specialist." I love shooting outdoor portraits and have trained myself to "see the light" in the locations that...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Sep 01, 2003  | 

If you're like most photographers, you probably prefer to spend most of your time behind the camera rather than in front of it. I am no exception. Inevitably, however, there are times when smiling for the camera is unavoidable. For instance, my...

Joe Farace  |  Apr 01, 2003  | 

Digital Wedding Photography

In the fast moving world of wedding photography, speed of delivery counts as much as style. In 1984, I contributed a chapter to Jack Curtis' book Wedding-Portrait Photography World on the impact...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Dec 01, 2002  | 

Lesson Of The Month

If you are just starting out with a digital camera or are making the switch from traditional to digital, you will do well to take some extra time to learn a few important principles of digital photography...

Steve Bedell  |  Jul 01, 2002  | 

I think I've got a new career here. Me, probably the least technical of all the Shutterbug writers, writing about technical stuff! I'm basing that on the flood of e-mails and comments I received about my digital portrait article in the April issue.

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  May 01, 2002  | 

Most people assume that professional portraiture requires expensive camera strobes for good results. Strobes can work beautifully with portraits, particularly when used with softboxes, but they are not necessary in many situations. Armed with equipment to...

Jay Abend  |  Apr 01, 2002  | 

While it's clear to every serious photographer that digital cameras will eventually replace film as we know it, there's still cause for concern with the skin tone of digital portraits.


Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2002  | 

Black On Black Is Easy
Still under cover, I photographed the church's Father Frank. I photographed him in black robes against a black background. My aim was to show detail throughout the portrait and separation between his robe and the background.


Steve Bedell  |  Apr 01, 2002  | 

A few short years ago, many writers and photographers, myself included, were of the opinion that in a few short years film would be history, with the exception of a few "niche" areas of photography, like, say, infrared. Now that I've been...

Jay McCabe  |  Apr 01, 2002  | 

As any portrait photographer knows, taking pictures of children can be a lot of fun, but also very difficult. Usually, most kids don't want to smile or sit still for the camera, particularly in front of people they don't know. Capturing a genuine...

Monte Zucker  |  Dec 01, 2001  | 

I keep growing, changing, and evolving. Nothing stays the same. I learn from experience and use my successes to trigger more. Some work, some don't. So, I decided to put together a few of my recent successful images and tell you how they...

Monte Zucker  |  Nov 01, 2001  | 

Visual Impact
Let's take a look at this sunset picture for starters.

Lots and lots of pictures are taken daily of sunsets all over the world.

Rick Sammon  |  Nov 01, 2001  | 

Photo enthusiasts often ask me, "What's the most important accessory I need for professional-quality outdoor people pictures?" I reply, "A flash unit, of course." Then they ask me for my best tip for using a flash. My advice: Think flashy...
