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Ron Leach  |  Mar 07, 2025  | 

OK, STOP and answer this question without giving it too much thought: Should you increase or decrease exposure when photographing dark subjects? Are you sure? If not, check out this quick tutorial from Ejaz Khan so you'll get things right, whether you're photographing wildlife or other outdoor scenes in which the key subject is darker than normal.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 07, 2025  | 

Not long ago we featured a comprehensive guide to photographing the Milky Way, with camera settings advice, gear recommendations, post-processing tips, and more. We're following up on that today with this primer for inexperienced photographers who want to capture awe-inspiring images of starlit skies, even when the Milky Way isn't visible.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 06, 2025  | 

Lightroom's powerful Curves panel offers far more versatility than the limited global adjustments many photographers use to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image and balance out tonal values. These include selective enhancements for targeting and enhancing different areas within a scene.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 06, 2025  | 

We were all taught early on to always shoot with the sun to our back, and that worked OK for beginners looking for the easiest way to capture a "Kodak moment." If you're still following this familiar "rule," it's long past time to be more creative, and one effective way to do that is by setting aside what you learned about composition and try shooting towards the sun.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 05, 2025  | 

The term "hot pixels" describes those annoying artifacts caused by pixels that randomly appear as red, great, blue, or even white dots in an image when an individual pixel is significantly brighter than those in surrounding areas within the frame. This tutorial from the Photo Feaver YouTube channel demonstrates how to easily "scan" and remove them in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 05, 2025  | 

The first step for capturing breathtaking images in the field is analyzing light intensity and direction to determine the necessary settings for achieving a balanced exposure. One foolproof method for accomplishing this task involves using your camera's histogram to get the light right every time without time-wasting experimentation.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 05, 2025  | 

Today's interesting tutorial with pro Scott Davenport demonstrates how strategic cropping can dramatically enhance the impact of landscape images when less-than-ideal composition compromises the impact of a beautiful scene. As he says, "a tight crop can remove distractions and direct the viewer's attention straight to the most important part of an image."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 04, 2025  | 

Printing and framing your best photographs is a great way decorate a home or office and present thoughtful gifts to family members and friends. Today's tutorial from an expert shares his time-proven technique while debunking what says are "the most common photo printing myths."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 04, 2025  | 

Skillful composition is an essential attribute of all amazing photographs; especially when shooting complicated scenes in the field. Do things right and you're headed for success, but thoughtless framing will ruin an otherwise great scene.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 03, 2025  | 

Smartphone camera technology has advanced to the point that it's now long past time to stop looking down on photographers who pursue our craft with a mobile device in their hand. After all, with four billion smartphones capturing 73% of all images, it's time to embrace the power of your Apple or Android phone, and that’s the topic of today's tutorial from the My Photo Journey YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 03, 2025  | 

This post-processing tutorial explores some of the most useful (and underutilized) sliders in both Lightroom and Lightroom Classic. If you're in the habit of skipping over Lightroom's Classic's Basic panel, or Lightroom's Light and Color panels in search of more advanced tools you'll want to pay close attention to this tutorial with pro Forest Chaput de Saintonge.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 03, 2025  | 

We've all marveled at spectacular photos of the nighttime sky, and the Milky Way is one of the major attractions. Unfortunately, many photographers take a pass on this epic opportunity because of the misconception that exotic gear is required or they lack the necessary skills.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 28, 2025  | 

This quick tutorial with instructor Chris Baitson will get your creative juices flowing by illustrating how to give landscape photos a fine-art look by removing the horizon line. Once you understand this simple Lightroom trick you can go back and give an artistic boost to images you've edited in the past.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 28, 2025  | 

Many of us spend hours meticulously editing a set of photos, all the while wishing we were back out in the field with a camera doing what we love most. Today's tutorial with instructor Rob Dryburgh will grant that wish by demonstrating "eight must-know shortcuts that will boost your workflow and make post processing a breeze!"

Ron Leach  |  Feb 27, 2025  | 

Adobe recently celebrated Photoshop's 35th birthday, and the software has become more and more powerful with every update. That's why is so surprising that that after three-and-a-half decades Photoshop still lacks a simple, straightforward tool for eliminating those ugly color casts that will spoil image quality in a hurry.
