Outdoor Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 20, 2025  | 

Spring is finally here, although you might not realize it if you live where there's still snow on the ground. In other parts of the country, however, the first flowers of the season are emerging and beginning to bloom. This means that it's time to bone up on your floral photography skills.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 20, 2025  | 

Adobe's new Adaptive Color Profile is an amazing AI-based tool that analyses an image and adjusts tones and colors to make them "look just right." The experts at Adobe put it like this: "The effect is as if the AI has changed exposure, shadows, highlights, Color Mixer, Curves, and other key controls for you."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 20, 2025  | 

One post-processing technique that has surged in popularity among landscape photographers is the so called "Orton Effect." Sometimes it's overdone, but when applied correctly you'll love the creative, dreamy look that you achieve.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 19, 2025  | 

Lightroom is so full of powerful tools and capabilities that it's understandable when inexperienced users overlook some very powerful features that not only provide more effective  results but can streamline their post-processing workflow. Today's Lightroom Classic tutorial from instructor Brian Matiash falls into the latter category and it's all about what you can accomplish in Lightroom's Versions panel.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 19, 2025  | 

The eye-opening tutorial below begins with a question from instructor Simon d'Entremont: "Do you find that some of your photos aren't as good as you hoped, but you're unsure exactly what's wrong?" Maybe they're blurry, lacking in detail, unsharp, or simply uninteresting. We've all faced this dilemma at one time or another, regardless of our skills.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 19, 2025  | 

Outdoor photographers go to great lengths when editing photos for perfect color, and there are a variety of common methods for accomplishing the task. This tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel cuts through the grease by explaining "the difference between Lightroom's two most important color grading tools."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2025  | 

Bird photography is both fun and accessible because it's a genre that anyone than pursue at a nearby park, wildlife refuge, or even in the comfort of their own backyard. Even newbies can get in on the action with dynamic results, as you'll see in this quick tutorial from the popular Flying Parrot instructional YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2025  | 

All outdoor photographers look for a creative edge that make their images stand out from the crowd, especially when shooting iconic sites that have been photographed time and time again. Today's quick tutorial from the KPM YouTube channel  demonstrates how to do exactly that by including a perfectly defined sunstar that adds drama and depth when framing up a shot.          

Ron Leach  |  Mar 14, 2025  | 

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "There are too many rules of grammar up with which to put." And the same holds true for photography rules, especially with regard to composition. Instructor Ian worth admits that a few of these familiar notions can help frame an image, as long as you understand when they're advisable and when they should be ignored.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 14, 2025  | 

Do your wildlife, nature, and landscape photos appear blurry or wavy even though you used the "proper" settings and achieved precise focus? The problem may not be a faulty camera or lens, but rather what instructor Matthew Gehly calls an image-killing "invisible threat" that's easy to avoid.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 13, 2025  | 

Time blending is one of the most powerful post-processing techniques for making sense out of complicated landscape scenes with a wide range brightness values throughout the frame. Today's instructor Austin James Jackson explains the concept like this: "Capturing stunning wide-angle scenes can be easy when you're willing to do a time blend," and this is what you'll learn how to do in the next 15 minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 13, 2025  | 

Nailing exposure can be be difficult once the the sun drops below the horizon, and one of the biggest challenges is controlling highlights for proper tonal balance throughout a low-light scene. This quick tutorial from the My Photo Journey YouTube channel describes the necessary in-camera adjustments in barely nine minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 12, 2025  | 

Here's a unique tutorial from bird photographer Shelley Pearson who treats us to an uncommon mix of information, gorgeous imagery, and inspiration for nature and wildlife shooters. In the next five minutes you'll learn how to unlock the beauty of backlighting effects.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 12, 2025  | 

Photoshop's Gradient tools serve a wide variety of purposes for bringing outdoor photos to life by gradually blending colors or opacity. There are various options available for better colors, smoothing transitions and applying creative effects. The rub is that it takes a bit of time to get the adjustments just right.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 11, 2025  | 

We frequently stress the importance of experimenting with new tools and techniques, because that's the only way to expand your skills and broaden your portfolio. This quick tutorial with pro Austin James Jackson, is designed to do exactly that by demonstrating four interesting Photoshop effects that anyone can apply to their outdoor images in minutes.
