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Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 25, 2025  | 

Congratulations to the winners of GuruShot's Travel Stories photo challenge! Thank you to all the participants for sharing the magic of your adventures through stunning views, lively street scenes, and quiet moments that captured the spirit, uniqueness and beauty of different places around the world! 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 22, 2024  | 

Put light where you need it. BioLite headlamps are affordable, comfortable and extremely well-made. As a photographer you'll find them an indispensable nighttime companion. And it you ever have to change a tire on a dark road, search at midnight for a doggo that wandered off, or face any emergency that includes a loss of power, you need a headlamp.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 12, 2024  |  First Published: Sep 13, 2024  | 

It's nearly mid-September, so you know what that means. It means the Halloween paraphernalia has been on display at the supermarket for nearly a month already, and the kiddos are happily (?) back in the classroom, using interactive smartphone apps to track the days until Spring Break.

But more important, it means that we'll soon be enjoying Mother Nature's fall festival of fabulous foliage. Here is the prediction map you've been waiting for, courtesy of the wonderful folks at smokymountains.com.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 25, 2024  | 

For many of us, a trip to a major National Park may be a once in a lifetime event. Maximize your experience by anticipating the photo opportunities you're likely to encounter and planning a course of action. Here are some photo tips to give you a head start, and some gear recommendations from the experts at MPB, the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photo and video gear.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 22, 2024  | 

Photo Walks are in. As we welcome spring to our part of the world, photo walks should be on your radar. But he who hesitates is lost wandering the streets alone. For example, Ricoh Imaging recently announced a photo walk in Las Vegas via an email blast. Slated for April 6, the event sold out with lightning speed. Thankfully, Ricoh has more walks at other locations in the works. Similarly, Fujifilm and Luminar Neo recently shared plans for 50 photo walks throughout the US. If you hope to participate in a photo walk, you must monitor the schedules and act FAST. Let's unpack this.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 22, 2023  | 

You don't have to be a prepper to take precautions against foul weather. Photographers have special needs when Nature is on the warpath. Here's a 10-point equipment checklist that may save your bacon when the forecast calls for imminent disaster.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 04, 2023  | 

Two leading supporters of protecting wild spaces, Peak Design and SITKA, have joined forces to create unique, limited edition styles of the Peak Design Slide Lite camera straps and Capture Clips in SITKA's renowned low-visibility patterns and colors, Subalpine Optifade and Treeline Green. 

Just in time for the holiday gifting season, the new products are available exclusively from SITKA's website beginning today.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 17, 2023  | 

So, your camera is weather-resistant, great! Is your lens? And just exactly how weatherproof is it? Don't risk triggering an expensive repair—or turning your camera into a brick. The affordable RucPac Camera Rain Cover protects cameras and most lenses from rain, snow and dust, and it can save your bacon. This is a great (and thoughtful) holiday gift for the photographer in your life.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 12, 2023  | 

Every autumn millions make the pilgrimage to New England, the Great Smoky Mountains, a local woodland or their own backyard to capture the magnificence of Mother Nature's fiery fall foliage display. Although winter lurks just around the corner, everyone rejoices in summer's last natural fireworks celebration. Here are 10 tips from MPB to help you make the most of the annual limited-time experience.

Jeff Van Scoyk  |  Nov 28, 2022  | 

We are surrounded by people and places. Add a camera and you have everything you need for street photography.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 09, 2022  | 

Are you tired of hearing locals say, “Shoulda been here last week,” after driving to a likely destination to view and photograph autumn foliage? Improve your odds of finding the red and orange leaves you crave by downloading the most respected nationwide fall leaf map and one of the best fall resources in the country. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 02, 2022  | 

Experienced photographers appreciate the value of filters, the kind that go in front of the lens. Screw-in filters alter the characteristics of light before it reaches the image sensor—something not even Photoshop can do. Here are three I recommend for autumn leaf colors and all fall festivities.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 01, 2022  | 

In a perfect world we’d always arrive at a destination just before “Golden Hour,” in time to capture gorgeous landscape images with beautiful warm colors and an inviting soft glow. Since that’s not always possible we thought we’d bring you a quick post-processing tutorial for creating a similar effect in Photoshop.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 01, 2021  | 

Binoculars have only one purpose: they make distant objects appear closer. They all look pretty much alike, too.  But don’t be fooled into thinking that they’re all the same. Here’s a straightforward, plain-talk guide to buying the binoculars best for you.
