Pro Techniques

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Norm Haughey  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 

The impact and success of a studio portrait is often the combined result of lighting, composition, body language, lens choice, camera angle, clothing, color, texture, and even luck. With a few portrait techniques under your belt, however, your luck will improve dramatically. There are many portrait-making methods that can help you develop your own style over time and ultimately...

Brad Perks  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 

Rainbows have inspired legends of luck and good fortune. The beautiful colors are created in a simple process. Capturing a rainbow with your camera takes a bit of that good luck.

Rainbows require two simple ingredients--sunlight and raindrops. They combine at just the right angle to colonize a beautiful picture. The colors are formed when...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Apr 01, 2008  | 

Here are a few things AJ Neste's learned about photographing surfers:
One, it's the singer, not the song. "The most important part of being successful at this," he says, "is knowing the surfer. It's not just showing up somewhere and taking photos of random surfers. You won't know their personal style."


Andrea Keister  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

When our resident digital guru's Digital Darkroom Resource CD appeared in 2003 it debuted to much fanfare. The first volume included 11 chapters; shortly thereafter, Brooks released a second volume containing 16 chapters. He's now outdone himself with a new, third volume that contains 26 chapters, totaling 318 pages in PDF format plus a folder of images for print test...

Jon Canfield  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

In a previous column I covered some of the online options you have for showing your images. The services I covered then didn't give you many options for layout and design of your web galleries, but do get you online quickly with a professional look and feel. What about those of you who have a hosting service that doesn't provide for a gallery? We'll take a look...

Joseph Meehan  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

I have always been fascinated by how differently other photographers portray the same subjects that I photograph. Indeed, my office shelves are crammed with books and magazines with such images. Many of these pictures have influenced how I think about the visual world and how various photographic tools can be used. I am particularly attracted to pictures that convey something...

Jack Neubart  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

How do you photograph a duck pumping gas? When Aflac came to New York advertising photographer Chris Collins with just such a dilemma, this problem solver had the answer and years of experience to back him up. One duck was a given: they'd use a very sophisticated puppet designed (and finessed over the years) by noted Hollywood model-maker Stan Winston. But they'd also...

John Neubauer  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

The scenery rolls by quickly, too quickly really, to take in the fullness of any one moment. One scene quickly becomes part of the one just rushing by, which too quickly becomes part of another. Vast stretches of farmland push against distant mountain ranges, workers labor freshly plowed and watered fields, burros pull plows, squat villages flash by, then in quick succession...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Mar 01, 2008  | 

Anyone who's watched Mark Steines co-anchor Entertainment Tonight knows he's remarkably at ease in front of the camera. Thing is, he may be even more comfortable behind it, especially if that camera is his digital SLR.

Not only that, he may be happier back there.

It is, after all, where he began. "Photography's...

Rosalind Smith  |  Feb 01, 2008  | 

As a documentary photographer Eli Reed focuses on subjects that have deep meaning for him. A member of Magnum since 1983, Reed is a highly respected still photographer as well as a noted member of the motion picture industry where he works with some of Hollywood's top directors, including John Singleton and Spike Lee. Photojournalist Dirck Halstead wrote of Reed, "Eli...

Steve Bedell  |  Feb 01, 2008  | 

Being a photographer for 30 years has helped me to become more acutely aware of my surroundings. I find myself at all times watching how light pours over faces, how compositions just jump out at me, and how micro landscapes abound everywhere in daily life. So, it was with great surprise one day that I noticed just how blissfully unaware I was of my surroundings, and that maybe my...

Daryl Hawk  |  Feb 01, 2008  | 

Turning 50 this past year led me to pause, take stock, and reflect back on the years that have passed by relatively quickly. As I look forward to the second half of my life, I realize why I became a documentary photographer. It has led me to the far reaches of the earth while enabling me to slow down and really look at life up close. It is the series of amazing journeys I have...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jan 01, 2008  | 

John Conn is telling me about the Arnolds.

"They're the ones who look at the photos and say, `I'll be back.' Trust me, they won't." Then there are the pointers. "Pointers never buy," he says, "and buyers never point. If someone points, I don't get up and walk over." Other sure-fire indications...

Rosalind Smith  |  Jan 01, 2008  | 

Joyce Tenneson's photographs are thought-provoking and deeply moving. Her portraits provide insight into the soul and spirit of her subjects. Perhaps this is why Tenneson has enjoyed such a long and successful career.

"I started photographing in my 20s--I feel I have lived at least four lifetimes! My work has evolved as I have, and looking back on it...

Jack Neubart  |  Jan 01, 2008  | 

"The Great Swamp was a treat," observed one of the photographers from the American Museum of Natural History's photo studio after returning from a trip to photograph this New Jersey marshland. "Nothing like slogging around in chest waders and dodging mosquitoes (unsuccessfully, I might add) for four hours in really nice smelling swamp water," he...
