Brad Perks

Brad Perks  |  Apr 01, 2008

Rainbows have inspired legends of luck and good fortune. The beautiful colors are created in a simple process. Capturing a rainbow with your camera takes a bit of that good luck.

Rainbows require two simple ingredients--sunlight and raindrops. They combine at just the right angle to colonize a beautiful picture. The colors are formed when...

Brad Perks  |  Dec 01, 2006

Firefalls were waterfalls once created with fire in Yosemite National Park. A large fire was started atop Glacier Point and red-hot embers were pushed off a shear granite wall in the evening. It was Yosemite's version of fireworks. Park officials learned it was a fire hazard in the 1960s and the practice was stopped.

These days you can see and photograph a...

Brad Perks  |  Sep 01, 2006

The Reno Air Races are one of the city's most exciting events to see and photograph. These races have been run since 1964. This year's event will take place September 13th-17th at Reno Stead Field, eight miles north of town. It is a fun and successful happening with spectacular photo ops.

The Reno Air Races are similar to photographing a car race, with a few...