A little over a year ago, when I first conceived this article, my main idea was to dwell on after-market enlarger accessories and custom modifications. After attending several major photographic equipment shows, it has become evident that another...
In the last several years photographic workshops, seminars, and photo tours have proliferated. There are a number of reasons for this. First, more people are willing to spend the time and money to improve their skills by attending these classes. Secondly...
You need a portfolio. If you call yourself a photographer and you don't have an up-to-date portfolio of your best work, I think you're missing an essential tool.
PhotoPlus Expo West 2000, held this past June in Los Angeles, suffered, as it does every even-numbered year, from occurring not long after PMA in February, and not long before photokina in September. This means few new introductions, mostly just...
The following step by step procedures and instructions are intended to assist you in obtaining the best possible film scans based on one basic principle: Every film image is unique. Therefore, the specific parameters of adjustment for...
Hi there, thanks
for checking out Playing With Pixels. This time around we'll take a quick
look at some of the cool tools in Adobe Photoshop that can help improve
your images--and your image among your photo pals. Don't havePhoto...
Following the resounding success of the ZX-5N--a high tech autofocus SLR with traditional controls--Pentax has introduced several models with an equally handsome silver and black finish. Most recent is the mid-priced ZX-7, designed for maximum...
Good optical alignment is
extremely important. If your enlarger is not in proper alignment, you
will not be able to produce prints that are sharply focused. Of course,
if most of your printing is done with a soft-focus diffuser, maybe it
Imacon scanners stand out from the rest because the company follows a more focused purpose in their design. If I may use automobiles as an analogy, the family car is designed to serve a broad range of purposes, and does them all satisfactorily. However...