Joe Farace  |  Nov 01, 2000

Seybold San Francisco 2000 provides the graphics community, including designers, photographers, and artists, with a place to meet and share information about new technologies. At this year's show, the focus was increasingly on the Internet and how...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Nov 01, 2000

Like the Monty Python bunch used to say, "And now for something completely different!" That's the only way to describe this new piece of lighting equipment. This incandescent light has three spiral screw-in fluorescent lamp tubes that produce a...

Joe Farace  |  Nov 01, 2000

The simplest and easiest way to change or improve the output from your ink jet printer is to change the kind of paper or media you're using. That's it! You don't have to worry about swapping cartridges or getting your hands dirty with messy ink...

Peter K. Burian  |  Nov 01, 2000

After several years of focusing on the compact camera market, Pentax has been working aggressively to expand its 35mm and medium format SLR systems.

Two mid-priced wide angle lenses with...

Peter K. Burian  |  Nov 01, 2000

Dedicated to sophisticated design and engineering, Tokina makes lenses with an excellent reputation; the best of these bear the AT-X designation, denoting "Advanced Technology-Xtra." These models--bearing a gold stripe indicating premium grade optics--include...

David B. Brooks  |  Nov 01, 2000

Minolta's newest 35mm (and APS) film scanner, the Dimâge Elite, combines well established basic scanner design with the addition of Applied Science Fiction Digital ICE and new software features. At a street price of under $1000 this new Minolta...

Dave Howard  |  Nov 01, 2000

Soon after becoming really serious about your photography, something annoying begins to happen: you become increasingly critical of your results. You start comparing your photographs to those in magazines, and note that, esthetics aside, your...

Steve Bedell  |  Nov 01, 2000

When portrait photographers get together, they talk about light, lighting, and lighting equipment. Right after money and cameras, it's a major topic. Especially the "big four," because most photographers use a four light setup in their studio. Let...

Jay Abend  |  Nov 01, 2000

There was an era long before my time when a pro photographer shot with big, heavy, hot tungsten lighting. In the 1930s, '40s, and '50s, hot lights were the state of the art. Giant 1k, 2k, and 5k tungsten fixtures from Hollywood suppliers flooded the...

Joe Farace  |  Nov 01, 2000

"To have a camera is to open your world, to take a bite out of a moment"
--Sharon J. Wohlmuth

In Shutterbug's Photography Buyer's Guide 2000, you'll find information on computer monitors...
