Jay McCabe  |  Jun 01, 2000

James A. Bollman
Art Institute Of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Attraction
"Landscape photography is an extension of being out there; it's...

Dave Howard  |  Jun 01, 2000

Most of us have, on more occasions than we'd care to count, suffered through "presentations" of vacation photos. Whether fresh out of stacks of processing envelopes, chronologically arranged in albums, or clunk-whacking their...

Rick Sammon  |  Jun 01, 2000

Ever wonder what ingredients professional travel photographers use to make great on-location pictures? Here's my gourmet recipe.

Getting Ready To "Cook."...

Rick Sammon  |  Jun 01, 2000

Have you ever been disappointed with your sunset photos? Do they lack color, drama, and impact? If so, here are my quick tips for turning sunset snapshots into great shots!

Mike Matzkin  |  Jun 01, 2000

Quebec City is as close as you can get to Paris without flying over the Atlantic. It feels, thinks and acts French, and is the cradle of French culture in North America. It's a great place to simply immerse yourself in ambiance or...

Jack Hollingsworth  |  Jun 01, 2000

Noting my apparent success at photographing people, a writer once asked me how I did it--how I overcame the pitfalls, perils, and problems of travel portraits. After complimenting him on his alliteration, I said, "It's the...

Ben Clay  |  Jun 01, 2000

Photographing people outdoors can present a number of challenges, particularly on a bright sunny day. Because film (or a CCD) from a camera cannot compensate for contrast as well as the human eye, it is often imperative to modify the light...

Darryl C. Nicholas  |  Jun 01, 2000

There are two methods of
making prints from slides. One uses the paper and chemicals manufactured
only by Ilford and known as Ilfochrome. The other uses paper and chemicals
made by many different companies and referred...

George Schaub  |  Jun 01, 2000

The digital camera market has seen a lot of new introductions lately, many of which are in the 3.3Mp family. There have also been many introductions of cameras with less pixel power, all priced accordingly. Along with this range of prices and pixel packing has come an understanding of when and...

David B. Brooks  |  Jun 01, 2000

Brand names like Kodak, Nikon, and Polaroid are automatically associated with photography, but Epson? Well if Epson's latest products are any indication of the company's direction their name will soon become synonymous with digital...
