Clint Farlinger

Clint Farlinger  |  Aug 10, 2011  |  First Published: Jul 01, 2011
My great-grandparents homesteaded in the northern part of the Black Hills around the turn of the 20th century, but found the environment too inhospitable for traditional farming and moved to eastern South Dakota. But that bond to the Black Hills continues to be passed down through my family, and I’ve visited the area on a regular basis since I was a little boy. My earliest travels with a camera were to the Black Hills during my early teens on family vacations, with resulting photos that failed to show how the area made me feel. As my photographic skills improved I’ve returned many times, but have only yet begun to scratch the surface of the numerous natural wonders located in the Black Hills.
Clint Farlinger  |  Jul 01, 2010

I just dumped more sand out of my camera bag. This has been a fairly regular activity of mine for the last couple of months, ever since I visited Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado during a nasty wind. The physical exhaustion caused by climbing North America’s tallest dunes (750 feet, nearly straight up, in sand), the feeling of sand in my eyes and the resurfacing of...

Clint Farlinger  |  Jan 01, 2008

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Maybe the occasional splash of a drop of water, but other than that, nothing. After a few moments, the park ranger states that anyone who has a question should raise their hand now. Everyone chuckles and the lights come back on to once again reveal the huge expanse that only hints at the size of Mammoth Cave. When no artificial light source is present...

Clint Farlinger  |  May 01, 2007

It's not every day that your eyes are opened to a whole new world, but that happened to me in August of 2004. A friend suggested we take our sons on a canoe trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota. Not one to miss an adventure, I quickly agreed and we made the arrangements. Although not a photography trip, I took my camera and tripod along...

Clint Farlinger  |  May 01, 2006

As I look over my favorite photographs taken through the years, a common theme intertwines many of them together: serendipity has played a major role in creating those images. Given this, I decided I wanted to be lucky more often (as luck has it, this is actually possible). Recently I read an article about the science behind luck and how luck is not random, but rather something we...

Clint Farlinger  |  May 01, 2004

As I slipped and fell helplessly to the ground for the 102nd time that afternoon (give or take a fall or two), I decided not to get up again. Despite the fact we were still a good half-mile from the trail leading...

Clint Farlinger  |  Mar 01, 2004

I have always been--and will continue to be--a traditional photographer. Because of the unbeatable quality they can produce, medium and large format systems have been my cameras of choice for my entire professional career. But then it...

Clint Farlinger  |  May 01, 2002

"What are you photographing?" I was so lost in the scene in my viewfinder that it took a few moments before I realized she was talking to me.

"All the textures and colors in the...

Clint Farlinger  |  May 01, 2001

I had been stalking this particular tree for quite some time and finally all the elements were falling into place. The setting sun cast long shadows and warm light on both this beautifully gnarled tree and the gently rolling surf. I...