If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.

If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.
Your first digital camera
41% (93 votes)
Your second or third digital camera
38% (87 votes)
You are "stepping up" from a digital point and shoot to a DSLR (regardless of number of previous digital cameras.)
21% (48 votes)
Total votes: 228

Patrick J.  Guibao's picture

Actually, I'm stepping down so to speak. I own a Canon 20E which replaced a Canon A2E film SLR. I am having problems with the flash unit for the 20D and have a shoot which will need artifical light and is scheduled for a time when I expect my current camera to be in repairs. So after doing some research, I've decided to purchase a Canon Rebel TTI as a backup.

Blackie Denton's picture

The point-and-shoot digitals are basically useless in outdoor action photography so I never used them in place of my Nikon F100. I guess that makes the D200 recently purchased a first "usable" digital camera.

Russ Sleyster's picture

Quick start up, more frames per sec. I shoot children, and am tired of trying to anticipate their next movement. The DSLR gets me back to shooting like I did with my 35mm SLRs.

Ron Lesan's picture

They keep getting better with more features, longer zooms, and faster lenses.I'm climbing the quality ladder. Fifth digicam, includes one DSLR.

Sergio Perez's picture

Still use my trusty Canon Elan IIe but cost have come down in all fronts of digital (not only the camera but storage and printing as well) just to make film senseless.

Gene's picture

I will wait for Canon's new 40D or a new DSLR from Nikon. Why buy year-old technology such as the Canon 30D or Nikon's D80?

Vern Swick's picture

I'm sold on the Multi-Cam 2000 autofocus system on the Nikon D2Xs.

James (Jim) Capelle's picture

It's time to drop the film and saving headaches at the airport and on long trips.

Nancy Nydegger's picture

Want to get Olympus new DSLR 10 mp camera due out in June.

Charlie's picture

This is my fifth digital camera. Looking for more zoom and picture quality.

Harry Joseph's picture

I was thinking about stepping up from the Canon EOS 30D to the Canon 5D. I think the full frame sensor and 12.8 megapixels is worth it. I want to get back to normal photography instead of constantly worrying about cropping factors.

David A Kern's picture

Have Nikon D70 stepping up to a Nikon D80.

Rick's picture

The Canon 400D/XTI, mostly because of being a fan Of Canon for years. Also I find navigating the menu to be easier than the Nikon. There's something to be said about ease and convenientlet, let alone the logical layout of the controls. Granted, I'm not a professional but I do appreciate the best bang for my buck.

Harold's picture

I've had 2 Nikon Cameras, a CP8800 and then a D200, but I wasn't satisfied so I decided to move to Canon EOS 30D.

Frank Field's picture

Availability of "reasonably" priced semi-pro DSLR (Nikon D200) finally convinced me to make the switch.

William P.  Balser's picture

Don't know which one to get. I am a retired Photographer & am looking for something easy to use.

Jerry Guba's picture

This will be my sixth digital, 2nd (DSLR) camera.

J.  Raphael Licauco's picture

Just bought a D50 and a Sigma 18-50 2.8 Macro thinking that I'll just update the body when my finances allow.

David Goldenberg's picture

Give me back my optical viewfinder! And keep producing LCD screens that swivel, allowing me to have a waist-level or over-my-head view.

MFB's picture

I miss terribly my old Canon A-1. I loved the focusing which included the split focus center. However time marches on... I went to a Canon GS-5 with wide angle and telephoto add-ons, and added a Nikon D80, probably getting a newer camera either the Fuji (Nikon lenses)or a higher grade Nikon.

Phil Grierson's picture

Point and shoot cameras are great but I need the extra features available on the better digital cameras.

Michael Foster's picture

I own a Minolta Max7D and want to upgrade to the Sony Alpha.

Ken Whitecross's picture

Have a DSLR, considering a good sub-compact to carry when I don't want to carry the DSLR and lens.

Rico's picture

The cameras are constantly getting better by the day I had everything I ever wanted in digital when the d2h came into play except for pixels then the d2x came around and it was great but not fast enough I've got three factors that control my next purchase frames per second at least 8fps mega pixels 10 is satisfactory but 12 would be more appealing and last full frame I want my depth of field back. I feel like the digital cameras are robbing me of that depth of field I once had with my f5 and film.

John Browning's picture

I wanted more than what a point and shoot could offer, as well as the ability to greatly control many of the features of the camera.

Cindi Jo Ammeen's picture

My first digital was a point and shoot Nikon Coolpix 4300. After getting the photography bug, I knew it was time for something a loy better. I purchased a Nikon D80 and haven't been able to put it down!

Nan's picture

The interchangable lenses on the SLR (Sony A100) with the features of a 35mm camera made the SLR an attractive buy.

Brenton Cooper's picture

First I had a luminex point & shoot, then I was given Canon's Powershot S3 and it is limited to using f8 as the smallest aperture (not very good in my opinion). So next I plan on buying Nikon's D40x because I own a number of AF Nikkor lenses with their own drives in the lens and have shot film with and still own 6 film camera's from F-5 to the F2as and Nikkormat as well, all in mint condition. DSLR's are still a bit pricey for this retired pro-photographer but really like what the D40x has to offer!

Derek Schwarzkopf's picture

My first digital camera was a Samsung Digimax S500. I've already gone through one because it short circuited on it's own. They're inexpensive cameras, and therefore the quality is lacking. I'll most likely buy a digital Canon SLR type camera.

Doktor Thomas's picture

My Sony Maciva served me well for a number of years; I jumped to a Rebel XTi. Just about 10 days ago. It wasn't about this year; it was overdue. And, yeah; I plan to buy another DSLR before years end.
