Upgraded from the original Nikon D1 to the D200.
If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.
If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.
Your first digital camera
41% (93 votes)
Your second or third digital camera
38% (87 votes)
You are "stepping up" from a digital point and shoot to a DSLR (regardless of number of previous digital cameras.)
21% (48 votes)
Total votes: 228
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Submitted by Alfonso L. Sanchez (not verified) on June 5, 2011 - 4:30pm
Switching to DSLR for first time. I've been studying digital for the last 8 months and I'm hooked. Lesser mistakes, no film to lag around, quicker to snap the moment plus the enjoyment to be able to fix, enhance, color, sharpen, crop (Trim) your photos is awsome right at your finger tips (computer).
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