If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.

If you are buying your second (or third, etc.) digital camera, please briefly comment on why you are or might be considering that purchase.
Your first digital camera
41% (93 votes)
Your second or third digital camera
38% (87 votes)
You are "stepping up" from a digital point and shoot to a DSLR (regardless of number of previous digital cameras.)
21% (48 votes)
Total votes: 228

J Chisholm's picture

I miss a 'true' SLR after owning several film SLRs.

Jermaine Beckley's picture

I recently bought a second digital Canon body (1D Mk IIN) because I wanted to get into sports photography, but I still use my 30D for other things like portraits or nature photography because of the 1.6 crop factor.

Aloeignut's picture

Will buy if Sony upgrades the KM 7D.

Bill K.'s picture

Second or third this is more like my 8 or 9. I think manufacturers are just ripping us off first with DSLR's there just using the film based body's they over made. Why doesn't some one make a body with interchangeable chip so we can upgrade our camera without buying new. That way manufacturers can still keep selling us stuff, and we can be current.

Kevin Hanley's picture

My needs (wants?) are getting more sophisticated.

Bill Modlin's picture

I may switch from Nikon to Pentax DSLR's.

Ian Lozada's picture

I'm supplementing my 5D with a 1D Mark III, which will replace a 20D as my fast action camera. The ability to go up to ISO 6400 is intriguing, as well.

Wayne West's picture

I have 5 now and gave the first 2 away & I'm looking hard at the Nikon d-80.

John's picture

I am considering getting a Olympus E-510 to replace a Olympus E-500. This will be fifth digital camera.

KZ Jenkins Jr.'s picture

I am switching from film SLR, to a DSLR. I already have digital point and shoot. I still think film rules.

Bob Hulse's picture

I vested my wife's favorite cousin with #1 a Canon 1Ds and have replaced it with a DRebel-txi and am waiting on the 1D Mark III to come out.

Tony Metz's picture

The new Casio 12 megapixels to equal my DSLR D-5 in a tiny sized pocket camera that I can have ready in my pocket. Will be an addition to my casio 7.2

DeeAnn E.  Spiller's picture

Nikon D200, It is close to the set up on my D2X.

Joe Dlhopolsky's picture

My first digital was Canon's 20D. I expect to buy the follow-on to the 30D when it comes out. The 20D will become my backup. Plus, I expect that the new one will have improved dynamic range.

Peter Walters's picture

A camera to carry around with me instead of heavy DSLR. I just ordered the Canon A640. I didn't know about the new Leica/Panasonic K100 coming out this summer.

Charles Bame's picture

As much as I love my 20D, I'd like to get a smaller, lighter camera to take hiking.

Jim Laubach's picture

I had a 3-megapixel point-and-shoot and just bought a 7-megapixel point-and-shoot. Later in the year I plan to buy a digital SLR.

Doug B.'s picture

I'm tired of losing pictures because of the lag-time! No more lost shots!

Jeffrey Kraus's picture

I own a Nikon D50. I wanted a smaller point and shoot for situations where I did not want to carry my SLR. Camera - Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX50.

Gerald R.  Bengtson's picture

Taking my photography to the next level. Intend to purchase the Canon 1D MarkIII.

Eddie Stangler's picture

Pentax K10D is the one I want.

John Kimbrough's picture

Rebel XT(1st) to Canon 30D(what I have now) to Mark III if I can afford it.

Alex B.  Wright's picture

Shutter lag is driving me up the wall. Since I am shooting for the local paper I think I owe it to them to get a newer camera.

Sandy Robbins's picture

I have a DSLR setup and want a really good superzoom lightweight to just carry around to get those "grab" shots.

Stephen Lippert's picture

As a long term photographer with both 645 & 35mm cameras, I cautiously chose a high end digicam (Fugi Finepix 9000) to buy additional time to see what the market does. I'm delighted with the 9000, but miss the flexibilty of various lens and dedicated flash options. The S5 look quite good with its large/small pixals in its sensor. With price as a factor, it might be an S3.

Mary Lee's picture

Hoping to see a Canon 40D this fall to upgrade from 20D.

Dennis's picture

I am waiting for Canon to better "weatherproof" the 5D - then I will buy another one.

Walter J.  Fink's picture

I am sold on film. But when Nikon does come out with a true full frame digital sensor, I will take a look.

Ellen's picture

I actually just bought a Canon Powershot SD1000 (my 4th digital) and I love it. I was outgrowing my older camera, which tends to happen every couple of years. This camera is small enough to take everywhere and advanced enough to keep me happy. Since I won't be able to afford the DSLR I crave for a while, that's a good thing!

Wally's picture

It looks like Pentax has produced exactly the right cameras, either the K100D or the K10D, with the right features at the right prices to really make it worthwhile to get a DSLR.
