Photoshop How To

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Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2021  | 

It’s unfortunate so many photographer overlook color theory. That’s because whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, even a rudimentary understanding of this concept can make a huge difference in your images. Moreover, a bit of knowledge about how colors work together will change how you go about the image-editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 04, 2021  | 

Everyone strives for maximum detail in photographs, which is why we always recommend investing in premium glass. But if you’re on a budget, and stuck with basic lenses, there are several post-processing techniques you can try.

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 04, 2021  | 

You'd think that Photoshop would do a better job of making it easy to create vignettes for your images, but it doesn't, according to Blake Rudis of f64 Academy. And he's right.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2021  | 

Experienced wildlife photographers know that the power of an image often depends upon how an animal’s eyes are rendered. Out-of-focus dull eyes can really spoil an otherwise great shot, while overly brightened, sharpened eyes make the subject appear unnatural and crazy.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2021  | 

When heading out for a day of landscape photography, most shooters instinctively reach for a wide-angle lens. That’s because conventional wisdom dictates that capturing expansive vistas is the best way to go. Unfortunately, if you’re afflicted with this common reflex, many great photo opportunities will pass you by.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 01, 2021  | 

One question I frequently get from friends is, “What’s the best plugin for enlarging my photos?” And I actually have a couple that I use often. But one image-editing expert claims resizing plugins may be a thing of the past, if you have a relatively recent version of Photoshop or Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 29, 2021  | 

Something interesting happens when it comes to using our photo gear. On the one hand, most photographers calmly and eagerly familiarize themselves with everything their camera can do. But when it’s time to learn even the most basic flash techniques, fear often sets in.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 28, 2021  | 

British landscape pro Chris Sale recently broke a promise he made to himself by agreeing to edit another photographer’s Raw image. And even though Sale knows his way around Lightroom, let’s just say the project didn’t go according to plan.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 27, 2021  | 

Whether you’re attempting to photograph the Milky Way, or simply trying to capture a sparkling nighttime sky over your backyard, astrophotography can be intimidating. And once you’ve captured a few shots, editing the images may also seem like a daunting task.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 25, 2021  | 

Image processing tasks can often be like shooting photographs, in that you may occasionally fall into a creative rut and need a few fresh ideas. That’s what the tutorial below is all about, and in just 12 minutes it will pull you out of the doldrums and get your creative juices flowing once again.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 22, 2021  | 

What, what? If you’re confused by the headline above, admittedly so was I. One of the first things many of us do when opening Photoshop is use the Levels tool to make quick, basic adjustments to exposure. But according to a very trusted source, you should never, ever use Levels. If that sound like blasphemy, read on.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 21, 2021  | 

There’s a reason that image-editing guru Unmesh Dinda has almost three million subscribers to his YouTube channel. With a motto of “Keep Creating,” Dinda offers a steady stream of easy-to-follow Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials for users of all experience levels.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2021  | 

Most photographers reach for a wide-angle lens when shooting nature and landscape photos. But if you want your images to stand out from the rest, it’s time to give your telephoto lens a try.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 14, 2021  | 

Some photographers limit their processing regimen to playing with the shadow/highlight sliders, bumping up contrast and saturation, and adding bit of sharpening. But even if you like to keep things simple, there’s another easy-to-use tool that deserves your attention.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 13, 2021  | 

We often turn to image-editing expert Blake Rudis because he offers some of the best tutorials on the planet. His techniques are always easy to execute and deliver impressive results.
