Photoshop How To

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Ron Leach  |  Oct 13, 2020  | 

We all strive for sharp images, but the trick is to achieve them judiciously without a crispy heavy-handed approach. In the video below you’ll learn how to create amazingly sharp images that retain a clean, natural look.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 09, 2020  | 

Adobe just released a new version of Photoshop Elements, its popular image editor for photo enthusiasts and advanced amateur photographers. Adobe has added six new features and updated a couple more to Photoshop Elements 2021.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 08, 2020  | 

We all like to “get it right in the camera,” but every so often it’s necessary to cut out a portion of an image. Sometimes that’s because we’re working on a composite, like replacing a boring sky, placing a subject against a better background, or eliminating a distracting object.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 28, 2020  | 

For all its photo editing and organizing power, let's face it, Lightroom can be a real drag to use. Consequently, we're always looking for easy ways to speed up Lightroom, so we can spend less time processing our images and more time shooting them.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 23, 2020  | 

Yesterday we featured a tutorial for Photoshop users with 15 timesaving editing tips, and the video below does the same thing for Lightroom users. Best yet, today’s Lightroom tips and tricks we’re chosen specifically because they are less familiar than many we’ve discussed in the past.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 22, 2020  | 

If you prefer to spend your time out shooting, rather than sitting behind a computer, this quick tutorial is for you. That’s because you’ll pick up five “essential” Photoshop tips in just 10 minutes that will dramatically speed up the editing process while delivering great results.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 08, 2020  | 

Whether you’re shooting portraits of a beautiful model, or wildlife in the field, one way to turn a good image into a great one is to capture some life in your subject’s eyes. While that’s not always possible when photographing animals in the field under difficult light, it’s easy to add a bit of eye-popping sparkle when editing your images later.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 02, 2020  | 

According to landscape pro Mark Denney, there are six essential editing skills that every landscape photographer should know.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 27, 2020  | 

If you’re new to Photoshop there’s a good chance you feel a bit intimidated and overwhelmed by the vast capabilities this photo-processing powerhouse has to offer. But we’ll let you in on a little secret: It’s easy to dramatically improve your images by mastering just a handful of Photoshop’s most basic and simple tools.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 25, 2020  | 

We’ve all been there: You shoot a quick portrait that you think is pretty nice, only to find out later on the computer that there are subtle, ugly shadows on your subject’s face. The image is ruined, right? Well, not so fast.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 17, 2020  | 

A hack, by definition, is a tip or trick for a way to do something more quickly and more effectively than usual. Portrait photographers looking to immediately add some extra spice to their images during the editing process would be wise to check out these three Photoshop hacks from portrait pro Justin Laurens

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2020  | 

If you’ve seen the classic 1973 film “Day for Night” you’re no doubt familiar with the cinematic technique, popularized by director Francois Truffaut, of making imagery shot during the day look like it was captured at night. And with a few quick steps in Lightroom, you can do much the same thing with your photographs.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 11, 2020  | 

Do the colors in your photos look flat and dull? There's an easy way to fix that so that the colors pop and look much truer to life. All it takes is a little simple Photoshop magic.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 05, 2020  | 

The eyes, they say, are the windows to the soul. But they're also the doorways to great photographs. If the eyes in your images look flat, dull or, even worse, lifeless, your portraits will likely look the same.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 04, 2020  | 

French photographer Serge Ramelli is a favorite among Shutterbug readers, not only because of his incredible landscape and cityscape imagery, but also for his helpful tutorials on shooting and editing nature photos. If you’d like to emulate Ramelli’s work, or just improve your particular style, check out the video below.
