Photo How To

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Seth Shostak  |  Mar 17, 2017  | 

The first time I came across a reference to bokeh in a lens review I found it a bit pretentious. Bokeh may sound like a Japanese dessert, but it’s actually the out-of-focus behavior of your lens. The term is said to come from the Japanese word “boke,” which translates as “blur” or, in some cases, “senility.” Confused? It’s understandable.

Zach Sutton - Lensrentals  |  Sep 24, 2020  | 

Today, we’re going to do a quick overview of shutter speed, the second corner in the exposure triangle, and how it will alter your images.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 29, 2021  | 

Now that we’re nearing the end of 2021, it’s natural to reflect on all the exciting innovations we’ve seen over the past year. But the interesting video below is all about tomorrow and beyond, rather than today or the past.

Tom Shu  |  Aug 03, 2020  | 

The Rule of Thirds is a very helpful compositional guideline that is a great reference point for beginner photographers or seasoned professionals. As with any photography rule, they really are meant to be broken, so take this as more of a general guideline than a defined rule.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 17, 2022  | 

Whether you’re an accomplished wildlife shooter or you just enjoy photographing birds in the backyard, it’s likely you pop off dozens of images when an interesting subject appears. If so, the video below will be a big help.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 04, 2021  | 

In short, this eye-opening tutorial from portrait/street photographer Manny Ortiz is a visual examination of what could be called “the art of seeing,” Ortiz uses his compelling imagery to illustrate what accomplished photographers see upon arriving upon a scene, as opposed to how non-photographers (or less adept shooters) view the same location.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 28, 2023  | 

Most photographers understand that the f/stop they choose is an important component of arriving at a correct exposure. But this setting affects other attributes of a photo that novices

Ron Leach  |  Nov 23, 2022  | 

Cropping photos is easy, right? You start with either a horizontal or vertical photo and trim it a bit to get tighter or remove distracting elements. Of if you want to be really wild (and have enough resolution) maybe you crop in a way that transforms a portrait orientation into a landscape perspective.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 01, 2019  | 

If you want to brush up on a key basic about photography, the below video on aperture by Mark Holtze is a great place to start. (Or a great place to return to if you simply need a quick refresher about aperture and, let's be honest, who doesn't?)

Seth Shostak  |  Jan 31, 2017  | 

White balance sounds like one of those concerns that vaporized with the advent of digital photography. In the days when film was king, you had to think about the color quality of light at the drugstore photo counter, long before you made any pics. You could either plan on shooting in the Sun, using a so-called “daylight” emulsion, or snapping your photos indoors, with a “T” or “tungsten” film stock.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 17, 2017  | 

Photographer Manny Ortiz and his pretty model wife Diana are our one of our favorite couples on YouTube for helpful photography tips videos. This week they take a slightly different approach in discussing a potentially touchy subject: what do you do when your partner is uncomfortable with you photographing someone of the opposite sex?

Ron Leach  |  Feb 11, 2022  | 

Sooner or later every photographer hits the doldrums and their creativity temporarily runs dry. The quick video below will give you a heavy dose of inspiration the next time this happens to you.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 03, 2021  | 

Like many obsessive hobbies, photography has its share of widely-believed falsehoods. We’ve all been guilty of repeating some fiction, partly because many of the fables are so damn believable. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these myths from a new angle.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 10, 2021  | 

We often hear people complain that there’s nothing interesting to photograph where they live. Well, one of our writers lives in the most densely populated state in America (New Jersey). Here are some of the images he captured during a two-hour period one Friday morning without traveling more than 15 miles from home. And to prove that good photos exist everywhere—if we just look—he used only one camera and one lens.

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 05, 2022  | 

What white balance should you set your camera to? There’s no real right or wrong answer to this common question amongst photographers but if you want some good advice, check out the video below from pro boudoir photographer Yuliya Panchenko on white balance and color correction.
