Photo How To

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 |  Sep 28, 2021  | 

Do you constantly worry whether your photos are getting enough likes on Instagram and elsewhere on social media? Do you find yourself always trying to create images that appeal more to a general audience than your artistic vision?

Ron Leach  |  Sep 12, 2023  | 

All photographers strive to attain fast and precise focus no matter what type of images they make and achieving that goal can be a challenge when shooting handheld under challenging lighting conditions. Today's tutorial from pro Mark Denney reveals his secrets for getting the job done.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2023  | 

Do your often shoot images that are soft and blurry, but don't know why? If so you have a serious problem that needs to be resolved—whether the issue is faulty equipment, improper camera settings, or poor technique. The good news is that today's tutorial will set you straight and help you capture sharp photos every time.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 01, 2023  | 

The first thing most landscape photographers do upon arriving on location is open their bag and mount a favorite wide-angle lens on their camera. But using the right lens doesn't guarantee great results unless you understand the "essential" techniques for getting the job done.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 28, 2021  | 

The trusty wide-angle lens is a top choice among many of the world’s best travel, nature, and landscape photographers. But having the right glass doesn’t mean optimum results, unless you know how to make the post of this popular tool.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2024  | 

If you're thinking about trying you hand at wildlife photography but don't quite know where to start, the beginners guide below is just what you need. You'll pick up some great advice from an accomplished pro that will enable you to get going this weekend.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 02, 2023  | 

Nailing exposure is often a challenge with all forms of outdoor photography because of ever-changing light, complicated scenes, and a variety of tones from foreground to background. With wildlife subjects this task may require even more thought and precision.

The Editors  |  Dec 01, 2003  | 

As winter arrives, so do incredible photo opportunities. Photography is photography, but here are some things you should consider about shooting in wintertime.

1. Exposing Snow
Short-answer quiz: What color is snow? White, right? Well, in our mind's eye it is. In the real world, though, it can be white (in bright sun), gray or blue (in open shade), or even pink (if your...

Josh Miller  |  Jan 10, 2017  | 

While most photographers are packing their gear away for winter, an increasing number are finding winter to be their favorite season for photography. Photographers willing to brave the cold often find popular locations deserted, dramatic light, and fresh snow that makes scenes come alive. Whether it’s a once-in-a-lifetime trip to a destination like Yellowstone, Alaska, or Yosemite, or something closer to home, winter is a great time to get to know these locations in a much more intimate way and at slower pace. Here are nine reasons why winter is the best season to go out and shoot.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2021  | 

Winter is a great time to capture beautiful outdoor images, but snow-covered landscapes can be difficult to get right in the camera. Fortunately there’s a way to make images that look as good as they did in the viewfinder, with a little help from Photoshop.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 18, 2022  | 

Adobe has updated Lightroom Classic to version 12, with a host of new features, greater functionality, and enhanced performance. In the quick tutorial below, one of Shutterbug’s favorite image-editing experts brings you up to speed.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 04, 2023  | 

Christmas festivities are just three weeks away, and many folks have already decorated their homes with colorful lights and interesting objects. This means it's time to bone up on your skills and do a bit of practicing as the special season unfolds.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 09, 2022  | 

Photographers often wonder why Lightroom lacks a Midtone Slider for quickly and easily adjusting those specific tones. Well, as you’ll see in the tutorial below, it’s been there all along—you just didn’t know where to look.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 15, 2021  | 

Spring is long gone, and summer ended almost a month ago, but that doesn’t mean the time for capturing great macro images is over. There are many opportunities to pursue close-up photography year-round.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 15, 2018  | 

One reason some street photographers shy away from shooting at night is that they dislike lugging around a heavy tripod to steady their camera when using long exposures under low light. But in the eye-opening tutorial below, you’ll see how a British pro makes compelling handheld photos at night.
