CHEAP Gadgets Every Travel & Nature Photographer Should Own (VIDEO)

The camera equipment we recommend typically involves primary gear like cameras, lenses, or expensive accessories. Today’s list is much different, as deals with “cheap stuff” that one pro says every outdoor shooter should own.

This shopping list, from British travel and nature photographer James Popsys, includes a variety of inexpensive gadgets to keep you and your camera clean and productive when shooting in the field. And the great news is you can purchase everything he recommends for less than the cost of a fancy dinner and drinks for two.

Popsys says these items have proven indispensable throughout his pro career and he begins with polite advice I’m certain we’ve never shared in the past: “When shooting outdoors you never want a wet backside.” His solution for keeping your butt dry when sitting on wet ground is a compact seat pad that folds up small enough to fit in your bag.

To save you time searching for his handy gadgets, Popsys provides links in the description beneath the video. The next three items are really important when shooting in dusty, wet environments and will ensure that your camera and lenses remain in top shape.

These maintenance items include a sensor blower and cleaners, as well as the best type of lens cloth to get. Popsys discusses how to use these items safely and properly, and he includes a link to a sensor-cleaning tutorial in the description beneath the video.

Popsys also discusses a very useful app, and the importance of always packing a high-capacity powerbank for emergences when your camera battery and spare are depleted. So take a look for complete details on these and the other gadgets he recommends.

After watching the video head over to Popsys’ YouTube channel where you’ll find more tips on gear and shooting techniques.

We also recommend you take a look at the tutorial we posted recently from another experienced pro, explaining how to shoot beautiful spring macro photos.