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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 23, 2020  | 

It’s widely known that a lack of photography in your diet can cause untold miseries. Symptoms include excessive cat photos, too many fresh-from-shower selfies and in some extreme cases, TikTok videos that practically beg for body shaming. Being housebound and isolated from photo ops can break any man or woman down. But don’t despair! Shutterbug has the prescription to relieve your aches and pains.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 16, 2020  | 

Like you, I’m looking for sensible indoor activities during this temporary quarantine. I’ve tried a few. Juggling was fun but there are still stains on the ceiling and glass particles in the carpet. So I told my family that instead of throwing things up in the air and dropping them I’d buy a ukulele and learn to play it. They said they’d support my musical inclinations, but of course, they’d miss having me around, too. Ultimately I turned to my very most favorite pastime. And after that short nap, I thought about photography.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 12, 2020  | 

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Our friend Where’s The Flash (WTF) is back once again to help you handle issues with life, photography and anything that rhymes with “orange.” And as usual, if he doesn’t know, he’ll be proud to lie to you. Either way, you get the answers you deserve.

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 21, 2020  | 

We've reported before on how NASA uses Nikon DSLRs when aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Now we've seen a video on how they use those cameras to shoot selfie photos of themselves at work in the ISS.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 08, 2020  | 

Boudoir photography is really popular these days, but if you’ve ever tried this type of work, you know that sometimes images don’t look as enticing on the computer as they did through the viewfinder. The goal of this humorous-but-helpful tutorial is to keep you from saying, “Oh my goodness, this is embarrassing” when you review your results.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 26, 2019  | 

Yup, that’s right. Our friend Where’s The Flash (WTF) peers into his alleged crystal ball and answers all of your questions about life, photography and anything made with tomato sauce. If he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll be proud to lie to you.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 21, 2019  | 

If you're a photographer, you've probably heard about or been afflicted by G.A.S.: Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Basically, it's a tongue in cheek way to describe being addicted to buying camera gear.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 24, 2019  | 

Shooting portraits with a telephoto lens can be a very good idea. Long lenses help you isolate a subject by providing attractive compression while producing beautiful background blur, aka bokeh. But how long is too long of a lens to shoot a portrait with?

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 30, 2019  | 

It's Friday and here's something fun to start your long Labor Day weekend off.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 19, 2019  | 

Shutterbug photographer Jordan Matter recently teamed up with fashion model Natalia Taylor to produce the fun, revealing and very tongue-in-cheek video below titled "Fashion Modeling Horror Stories – The Real Truth."

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 01, 2019  | 

Hayden Pedersen loves making videos that explore the reaches of photography creativity in just a few minutes. In the below video, he gives us "10 WTF Photography Ideas in 100 Seconds."

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 18, 2019  | 

It’s summer, and that means it’s time for a fun photo quiz. There are 13 multiple choice questions in all, and most of them are as easy to figure out as a zakuska menu in Moscow. Are you up for it? Great. Answers at the bottom. The winner gets…

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 05, 2019  | 

We're not entirely sure how serious photographer Dani Diamond is in the below video titled "MUST WATCH: The Correct Way to Hold a Camera," but we appreciate his moxie. In the short humorous clip, Diamond shares his unique handgrip technique for holding a DSLR.
