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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 15, 2018  | 

Well, the birds are queuing up in the backyard and you know what that means. Three calling birds, four French hens and two turtle doves—or is it four calling birds? They won’t stand still so it’s hard to count. And no one knows where in hell the partridge went. She was last seen talking to a couple turkeys who were all paranoid about some big feast that’s supposed to be happening soon. Anyway, you do know what this means, right? Time for our intrepid list of holiday photo gifts that cost less than $100.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 02, 2018  | 

Maybe it’s because our beloved Maine Coon cat named Rufus passed away this year, but I can’t get enough of the Lotus the Main Coon Intagram page, which features photos of a giant floofy feline. Our Maine Coon was a classic gray but Lotus, as you can see below, is a lovely mix of white and orange.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 16, 2018  | 

Two of our favorite photography channels on YouTube finally got together in the collaboration video (aka “collab”) everyone has been waiting for. In the entertaining and informative clip below, Los Angeles-based Daniel and Rachel of Mango Street travel north to visit Peter McKinnon in Canada to try their hands at shooting in each other’s styles.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 27, 2018  | 

Here’s a fun but pointed video from our favorite lens guru, Mathieu Stern. To create the video, Stern ask his Instagram followers a simple question: What is the worst thing to say to a photographer?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 05, 2018  | 

Okay, so you aced the first quiz. Some of you even said it was easy. Cool! Let’s see how well you can do on the Darkroom Edition. Just like last week’s quiz, this is not a multiple guess test, so you gotta really know your stuff to get all of them right.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 28, 2018  | 

Here are a dozen words or phrases that relate to photography. How many of them can you define or explain? Warning: this is not a multiple guess test, so you gotta really know your stuff to get all of them right.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 28, 2018  | 

Here’s some Photoshop fun to end your day.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 11, 2018  | 

Wildlife photographer Frans Lanting is used to going out into nature to find amazing shots of animals but in the adorable footage below the animals found him. In the brief clip that Lanting posted on his Facebook page, you can see two cute Bonobo chimps having a blast crawling all over and playing with the famed photographer.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 31, 2018  | 

A friend showed me a Father’s Day gift list published by venerable Vogue and on it was a pair of socks from Thom Browne for $150. Not to be a lowbrow, but I would think that for $75 a foot they could at least learn how to spell colors. If I put $150 socks on my feet I’m afraid that my other extremities would be jealous. Imagine what I’d have to pay for a hat, gloves and a jockstrap.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 25, 2018  | 

Are you a photographer who HATES having their photo taken? Or maybe you don’t mind it, but you want to control the situation since you are, after all, a photographer!

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 10, 2018  | 

Most of the how-to videos we share on Shutterbug are educational, but some are just plain fun…or funny, that is. The below video from FailsMark falls into the latter category.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 03, 2018  | 

If you’ve been following the world of nature photography at all, you’re probably aware that a contestant in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition was recently disqualified when it was discovered he used a stuffed anteater in his winning image.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 02, 2018  | 

Some videos we feature on Shutterbug are serious and some are fun, but the one below might just amaze you. We all know that photographers can use a variety of tricks and tweaks to manipulate images (oftentimes through the use of software) but the 15 images featured in this clip from Facts Verse take editing to the extreme.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 02, 2018  | 

We like to keep things simple after hectic holiday weekends; so today we’re bringing you three quick “five tips“ tutorials that will improve your photography without a huge learning curve. In this first video, you’ll pick up one pro’s five favorite camera hacks in just two minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 27, 2018  | 

Not that any of us need a reason to avoid shooting selfies, but this humorous video provides a good one: Selfies make your nose look HUGE!
