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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

Does your sleep posture predict your photographic ability?  As an indicator of your creative potential, it’s as valid as Tarot cards, tea leaves and oomancy. We’ve analyzed the top four sleeping poses and invented your personal photographic horoscope.

Oomancy is a lost art. It’s the prediction of future events based on the shape egg whites take while being cooked. I’m not nearly clever enough to make crap like this up; it really is a thing. If you believe in the potential power of a morphed omelet, maybe you’ll fall for the rest of this story.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 05, 2021  | 

The Madame Curie Electron Camera Bag, one of several included in this review, glows in the dark. After using it for two weeks, I now glow in the dark, too. Read about this bag and several other products, including my favorite: the Julius Caesar Photographers Toga.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 22, 2021  | 

Anthropologists recently revealed that the DNA of modern man differs from Neanderthals, Denisovans and other early human prototypes by a mere 1.5 to 7%. Witnessing lack of driver courtesy on the NY State Thruway, I could have told you that without ever even looking at a genome. But these new facts beg the question: “Why do so few photographs remain?”

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 22, 2021  | 

Here's a set of crazy camera tricks that are part clever, part silly, and 100 percent free.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 28, 2021  | 

Whether you call Flying Saucers by their traditional name or use the Pentagon’s new nomenclature (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), capturing a UFO/UAP video or digital image is easier than it sounds. So grab your camera and tinfoil hat and join the fun.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 15, 2021  | 

Take a moment to grin or groan. These jokes are presented as-is, with no guarantee and no return policy.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 04, 2021  | 

If you want evidence that great wildlife images can be captured without expensive high-end gear, look no further, as you’ll see a variety of hilarious images of birds

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 21, 2021  | 

Here's a fun, funny and, to be perfectly honest, very accurate takedown of some of the worst types of photographers out there. In the below video, Hawaii-based pro Brett Seeley enlists the help of some of his friends to demonstrate these terrible photographers and to show what makes them so bad.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 31, 2020  | 

Not satisfied to assail those who abuse American English grammar, I now assault the bane of human communications: abbreviations. Yes, at the risk of being totally devoid of SEO considerations, I share with you today what’s wrong with the way photographers take verbal shortcuts. IMHO.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 27, 2020  | 

If you need something to brighten your day – and who doesn't these days? – get a load of the hilarious winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020. We gave you a glimpse at 15 of the finalists last month and now contest judges have chosen the funniest of them all.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 27, 2020  | 

If you need something to brighten your day – and who doesn't these days? – get a load of the hilarious winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020. We gave you a glimpse at 15 of the finalists last month and now contest judges have chosen the funniest of them all.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 16, 2020  | 

Time to test your camera name recall powers. Take a look at the list of model numbers below and identify the camera each represents. Hint: none are digital. Scroll down to read the answers and a little bit of history. No cheating! Like my junior high school shop teacher, Three-Fingers Clark, used to say, “When you cheat you only hurt yourself, but when you mess up with a table saw you get a nickname.”

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 22, 2020  | 

Don't ever turn you back on a crocodile! That's what a set of tourists learned during a group photo at a safari park in Australia. 

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 10, 2020  | 

Shutterbug readers seems to really love our crazy food photography tips so here's something in a similar vein to get you off to a fun start this weekend. In the below video, all of the everyday objects you see are actually cakes.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2020  | 

If you want to add a creative twist to your portrait photographs, the quick tutorial below will do the trick. In just four minutes you’ll pick up a variety of clever DIY tips that will make portraiture more fun and exciting than ever.
