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Ron Leach  |  Jan 03, 2018  | 

Our friends at the Cooperative of Photography (COOPH) are back with a new collection of fun photo hacks, designed to boost your creativity and help you achieve several zany effects. And, as always, these hacks require nothing more than a few household items you already own.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 31, 2020  | 

Not satisfied to assail those who abuse American English grammar, I now assault the bane of human communications: abbreviations. Yes, at the risk of being totally devoid of SEO considerations, I share with you today what’s wrong with the way photographers take verbal shortcuts. IMHO.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2020  | 

If you want to add a creative twist to your portrait photographs, the quick tutorial below will do the trick. In just four minutes you’ll pick up a variety of clever DIY tips that will make portraiture more fun and exciting than ever.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 01, 2016  | 

My friend Kasia (not her real name) bought a Click Bit bracelet last month to track her photography activity and immediately became obsessed with recording every detail of her camera life. Not passively obsessive, either—she’s become a compulsive, fanatical, evangelistic, raving maniac. But let’s go back to when she was still just chubby Kassie…

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 21, 2019  | 

If you're a photographer, you've probably heard about or been afflicted by G.A.S.: Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Basically, it's a tongue in cheek way to describe being addicted to buying camera gear.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 31, 2019  | 

Warm things to think about while the tip of your nose freezes and falls off.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 09, 2024  | 

You stumble into your favorite Starbucks half-awake as you do every morning and WHAM! There's Elvis standing at the end of the counter — fringed shirt, sequined guitar strap and all. You do a quick draw from your iPhone holster while The King patiently waits for his venti peanut butter banana flat white with an extra three pumps of funnel cake syrup, but — damn! — the battery is dead. What do you do? You're missing your chance to join the annals of consumer photojournalism and a shot at certain Instagram history. That's about a zillion Likes being blown to tarnation.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 08, 2018  | 

You read it here first! Snapshot—the talking robot who has all the photo and camera answers—will be unveiled to professional photographers during the Wedding & Portrait Photographer International (WPPI) conference which opens February 24 at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 01, 2022  | 

We started looking for DIY skins for cameras and lenses and discovered a literal treasure trove of sticky things that are camera-related, at least remotely. We limited our search to AliExpress, an online merchant with whom we have had sporadic success. We think you’ll like some or all of them, so we’re sharing our findings here.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 28, 2016  | 

Mark Udovitch is an Australian radiation therapist with a great sense of humor; a rare commodity is his line of work. He recently came up with a unique way to raise money for cancer patients with his “Dry Shave Off” project, in which he mimics several famous celebrity photos featuring his long hair which he plans to shave off tomorrow.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 22, 2017  | 

Whether we’re talking about Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, or Twitter, social media sites owe much of their popularity to photography. And one Facebook user has attracted over a million fans, because of the hilarious Photoshop mashups he creates from images sent to him from followers.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 11, 2018  | 

Wildlife photographer Frans Lanting is used to going out into nature to find amazing shots of animals but in the adorable footage below the animals found him. In the brief clip that Lanting posted on his Facebook page, you can see two cute Bonobo chimps having a blast crawling all over and playing with the famed photographer.

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 04, 2016  | 

Here’s another hilarious video from folks at TheCameraStoreTV, which poses the question: If you were lost in the wild, could your photo gear help save your life? 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 26, 2019  | 

Yup, that’s right. Our friend Where’s The Flash (WTF) peers into his alleged crystal ball and answers all of your questions about life, photography and anything made with tomato sauce. If he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll be proud to lie to you.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 30, 2017  | 

Here at Shutterbug we pride ourselves on comprehensive product reviews of great imaging gear that will help you choose the best equipment for your style of photography. So it’s a bit of a departure for us to present the WORST cameras and photo gadgets of all time.
