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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 12, 2022  | 

Who doesn’t love soup? But did you know there is an established link between your favorite soup and the types of pictures you should creatively pursue? Is your favorite on this list?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

Does your sleep posture predict your photographic ability?  As an indicator of your creative potential, it’s as valid as Tarot cards, tea leaves and oomancy. We’ve analyzed the top four sleeping poses and invented your personal photographic horoscope.

Oomancy is a lost art. It’s the prediction of future events based on the shape egg whites take while being cooked. I’m not nearly clever enough to make crap like this up; it really is a thing. If you believe in the potential power of a morphed omelet, maybe you’ll fall for the rest of this story.
