Check Out These Zany Photo "Fixes" from Photoshop Wizard and Humorist James Fridman

Whether we’re talking about Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, or Twitter, social media sites owe much of their popularity to photography. And one Facebook user has attracted over a million fans, because of the hilarious Photoshop mashups he creates from images sent to him from followers.

As you can see from his funny before-and-after images, James Fridman could be described as something between a Photoshop wizard and a visual comedian, for the manipulations he makes to photos sent to him from fans. The photographs he receives typically include specific requests, ranging everywhere from enhancing body parts to turning a woman into a mermaid.

Fridman’s ongoing Facebook project has sort of a “be-careful-what-you-wish-for” theme,” as his mashups often involve an unexpected twist. While he clearly has some serious image-editing skills, Fridman’s photo “fixes” are intended to be humorous rather than sophisticated.

There’s also an underlying theme to Fridman’s project, involving the potential “dishonesty” inherent to image editing, and a warning that you shouldn’t believe everything you see.

You can find more of Fridman’s visual humor on his Facebook page, and feel free to send him an image of yourself that needs” fixing”—if you dare. And speaking of social media, be sure you check out the story we posted Monday, with 12 YouTube photography channels worth following.

Via Mylio