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Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2017  | 

Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) is a serious affliction common to many photographers, resulting in severe back and shoulder pain, budget cramping, and other maladies affecting quality of life. Fortunately there’s an effective cure for this illness as you can see in the video below.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 12, 2016  | 

We’re not sure if this video is funny or sad, but it conveys an important warning: Don’t drive off with your father’s expensive camera on the roof of your car. That’s what happened to this poor soul (and the ill-fated camera) during a recent road trip.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 31, 2017  | 

Zorki Wins TIPA Award; White House Denies Russian Collusion
Members of the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) today announced that the Moscow Zorki TTL, a newcomer on the digital camera scene, has won the 2018 award for overall best product. Second place in the voting is the Zenit A, manufactured by the same company which is located in the foothills of Mount Narodnaya in the Ural Mountains. Although some competitive camera makers allege possible vote tampering, the White House has issued a strong statement labeling the accusations a ‘witch hunt’ and fully denying the insinuation of Russian collusion.

For more news stories from 2018, click Continue Reading below.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 30, 2016  | 

No longer confined to the seamier side of show biz and politics, Fake News has become a mainstream source of misinformation for virtually all industries and disciplines. What you are about to read is obviously true because it has been published online by a respected source. With that caveat, here’s the latest from the world of photography and beyond. 

Ron Leach  |  Apr 17, 2017  | 

Conventional wisdom is that the best way to photograph pets and little kids is to kneel down and shoot them from eye level. But rules are meant to be broken, as you can see in these images from Andrius Burba who literally has a different perspective on photographing our furry friends.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 30, 2017  | 

Phillippe Echaroux is a French celebrity and advertising photographer who typically uses the best cameras and studio gear available. So what happened when the folks at ISO 1200 challenged him to shoot portraits with an iPhone, a cheap flashlight, and a Big Mac Box for a light modifier? The awesome portraits he shot speak for themselves.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 25, 2018  | 

Are you a photographer who HATES having their photo taken? Or maybe you don’t mind it, but you want to control the situation since you are, after all, a photographer!

Henry Anderson  |  Feb 21, 2020  | 

We've reported before on how NASA uses Nikon DSLRs when aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Now we've seen a video on how they use those cameras to shoot selfie photos of themselves at work in the ISS.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 02, 2018  | 

Maybe it’s because our beloved Maine Coon cat named Rufus passed away this year, but I can’t get enough of the Lotus the Main Coon Intagram page, which features photos of a giant floofy feline. Our Maine Coon was a classic gray but Lotus, as you can see below, is a lovely mix of white and orange.

Henry Anderson  |  Jul 10, 2020  | 

Shutterbug readers seems to really love our crazy food photography tips so here's something in a similar vein to get you off to a fun start this weekend. In the below video, all of the everyday objects you see are actually cakes.

Dan Havlik  |  Mar 31, 2017  | 

This oldie but goodie turned up on Kottke today and, for us, it’s the perfect way to end the week: with a few laughs. (At least we thought it was pretty funny.)

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 30, 2019  | 

It's Friday and here's something fun to start your long Labor Day weekend off.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 09, 2016  | 

Here’s something fun to carry you into the weekend. Freefly, which makes the Alta 8 camera drone, released a video today showing someone surfing while being pulled by a high-flying drone. It was shot at Dash Point State Park in Washington.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 06, 2017  | 

One of our most popular humor stories of 2016 was a feature on last year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, designed to bring attention to the importance of threatened species. And now, in a similar vein, we decided to share this year's early entries in the 2017 Comedy Pet Photography Awards (CPPA).

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 27, 2020  | 

If you need something to brighten your day – and who doesn't these days? – get a load of the hilarious winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020. We gave you a glimpse at 15 of the finalists last month and now contest judges have chosen the funniest of them all.
