The Y of the convergence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers separates Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. On the West Virginia side is the historic town of Harpers Ferry where the abolitionist John Brown raided the US Armory in 1859. Across the Potomac on the Maryland side is the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal (built in 1850) and its towpath. Late on a fall day two friends and I...
After spending more than 30 years documenting the Appalachians and publishing two books about the region, I retired to Lander, Wyoming, in 1996, to fulfill a childhood dream of living and working as a western artist. Higher mountains would mean greater challenges, I thought.
The Quantum Qflash T4d Digital is a serious flash unit that combines the form factor and user interface of the kind of high-end flash units that camera manufacturers charge big bucks for with the kind of power normally found in small monobloc studio strobes. Then there's that removable reflector that...
Photography is a wide-ranging field that engenders passion in its practitioners, and like all great forms of expression creates opinions formed through experience and reflection. In its early days one of the great debates was: Is Photography Art? This was the subject of many essays and heated discussions among players and spectators. Today, issues such as film vs. digital, format...
It's winter, and with the season come wonderful opportunities to produce some great snow and ice photos. On the following pages are a few tips to help you do just that.
The basic idea is to have the brightest areas of snow or ice appear white, but with a trace of detail. Very small areas can be blank white, but large areas should have some texture and detail.
It has long been my goal to create photographic images that capture not only what I saw, but what I felt at the moment I made the picture. It was at a workshop with Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant that my creative spirit truly began to soar. Patterson and Gallant are two extraordinarily talented photographers...