Outdoor Tips

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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 17, 2023  | 

So, your camera is weather-resistant, great! Is your lens? And just exactly how weatherproof is it? Don't risk triggering an expensive repair—or turning your camera into a brick. The affordable RucPac Camera Rain Cover protects cameras and most lenses from rain, snow and dust, and it can save your bacon. This is a great (and thoughtful) holiday gift for the photographer in your life.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 19, 2023  | 

Using a hard shell case to protect sensitive camera gear has its advantages—until you try to carry it for a few miles over rough terrain. So professional photographer Laurens Parsons, founder of RucPac, invented the Hardcase Strap system that effectively turns your hard-sided case into a backpack. This is just one of the many useful and innovative products in the RucPac photo accessory stable.

Jeff Van Scoyk  |  Nov 28, 2022  | 

We are surrounded by people and places. Add a camera and you have everything you need for street photography.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 09, 2022  | 

Are you tired of hearing locals say, “Shoulda been here last week,” after driving to a likely destination to view and photograph autumn foliage? Improve your odds of finding the red and orange leaves you crave by downloading the most respected nationwide fall leaf map and one of the best fall resources in the country. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 02, 2022  | 

Experienced photographers appreciate the value of filters, the kind that go in front of the lens. Screw-in filters alter the characteristics of light before it reaches the image sensor—something not even Photoshop can do. Here are three I recommend for autumn leaf colors and all fall festivities.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 03, 2021  | 

Don’t wait! Plan your fall foliage photography forays now. Here are four interactive maps that help you predict when the fall colors peak in your area, plus a recommendation of three glass screw-in camera filters that make autumn colors more vibrant.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 08, 2021  | 

It’s Friday and I just ordered a set of 9 color graduated filters from Amazon for $26.59 in 67mm. Cheap, no? Amazingly, the 52mm set is $4 cheaper. Part of me says, “What can you expect from a $3 filter?” But the optimistic little devil sitting on my other shoulder whispers, “How bad can they be?”

Read on to learn whether this buy turned out to be a bargain or a bagel.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 05, 2021  | 

Traveling by car, camper, camel caravan or even backpacking it on foot – you need these five important accessories. (And if you’re just hanging around the house like I am, put these accessories on the must-have list right up there with the automatic wine bottle opener and TV remote.)

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 20, 2020  | 

Warmer weather is in the forecast and that can mean only one thing: time to take stock of your camera gear and get ready for the colorful bounty that spring unfailingly brings. Here’s our checklist of pre-summer mileposts to ponder.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 09, 2020  | 

When it’s cold outside, our bodies know it. If you’re like me, the agony travels from your fingers to your toes and from your ears to your nose. In that order. Warm boots, hats and earmuffs are not obstacles to creativity, but how can you use a camera with gloves on? To find out, read on…

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 22, 2019  | 

If you're shooting landscape photos, one of the first things you want to ensure is that they're in focus. Even better is if you can nail "perfect focus" in your landscape shots.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 02, 2019  | 

Even if you don’t snorkel, ski or engage in any outdoor activities that can be unfriendly toward cameras, you need a ruggedized, waterproof, compact zoom that can stay in your pocket through cloudbursts, snowball fights and a capsized canoe without fret or falter. They are the SUVs of the camera world, and they’re great for younger kids, too. (And if you’re looking for a Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Graduation gift, these cameras…

Jack Neubart  |  Jul 08, 2016  | 

Anuar Patjane Floriuk, popularly known as Anuar Patjane, has been scuba diving for 17 years. Much of his photography in the past has been focused on travel around the globe, but lately he’s been giving in more and more to his fascination with the sea. He’s been shooting underwater for five of those 17 years and finds the camera a natural extension of his inner being, helping him explore and fathom pelagic life, especially whales, and himself in the process.

Jack Neubart  |  May 10, 2016  | 

Jim Harmer didn’t start out as a travel and nature photographer. He was in law school when the photography bug bit him, and, before he knew it, he was traveling the world, capturing moments in time with his camera.

Jim Zuckerman  |  Oct 27, 2014  | 

Every photographer has a personal vision and a particular taste in composition, light, color and so on. For example, many photographers chose nature’s details simply to abstract the color and form they find. Others like to use extremely shallow depth of field—also called selective focus—so only a sliver of the subject is sharp while the rest of it is soft. People who are intrigued by the beauty, intricacy and complexity of nature usually shoot with the opposite approach. They want to reveal as much detail in the subjects as possible so those who view their work can appreciate the designs and the patterns in the images with tack sharp clarity.
