Which Famous Photographer Are You? Good Day And Welcome To Year Nine

"Ultimately, my hope is to amaze myself. The anticipation of discovering new possibilities becomes my greatest joy."--Jerry Uelsmann

To find out which famous photographer's style best fits you, take this quiz at: www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm?action=go_detail&sub_action=take &obj_id=164. Besides being fun, the site goes on to suggest that "maybe it'll introduce you to some new art you can enjoy." I took the test and after answering all of the questions--there's just seven--as honestly as possible, the result suggested I was most like Jerry Uelsmann, who's known for his multiple imagery and surrealism. Nobody who's seen any of my photographs would compare them to Mr. Uelsmann's masterworks, but I've been a huge fan of his imagery for many years and am flattered by the suggestion. Mary tested as Helmut Newton but I'm still waiting for her to photograph her first nude. So maybe the test isn't 100 percent accurate but it sure is fun. Take the test and see what you think.

For more than 25 years Phil Borges has documented indigenous and tribal cultures around the world with photographs that are an interesting mixture of craft, compassion, and anthropology. "I want the viewer to see these people as individuals," Borges says, "to know their names and a bit of their history, not just to view them as an anonymous part of some remote ethnic or tribal group." He accomplishes this goal using toned monochromatic images and his meticulous craftsmanship makes you feel as if you are there.

Borges' five Collections are, given the obvious language barrier under these situations, a testament to his ability to directly engage his subjects and capture the inherent dignity of those subjects in compositions that soar above typical photojournalistic conceits. His occasional use of the panoramic and diptych formats enlarges the image's scope to include landscape or, in the case of a portrait of three Indonesian boys in the "Enduring Spirit" collection, add a touch of wonder. Closer to home his portraits of Mexican and North American tribal peoples show faces that are dramatic, sad, introspective, and even cute, as in the image of Alan Slickpoo, an 18-month-old Native American dancer. His "Women Empowered" collection transports you to locations such as Afghanistan and is illustrated with photographs of women who celebrate their struggles and achievements. Stylistically the images contain echoes of Borges' other work but achieve an advocacy previously seen only as subtext. I met Borges during FOTOfusion (www.fotofusion.org) and experiencing his images in person was a deeply moving experience. You can see them for yourself because there's a list of upcoming exhibitions in the Calendar section of the site. I think Borges is one of the most important photographers of this century and after you see his work, you'll understand why.

© 2007, Phil Borges, All Rights Reserved

Bernhard Kristinn Ingimundarson is a commercial photographer and graphic designer in Iceland. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was not Icelandic but his "less is more" philosophy permeates this site; the "less" is in basic design surprises while the "more" is in the images and hidden elements. Clicking the Main Menu shows galleries for People, Nature, Lomo, Cars, and Architecture. "People" includes monochrome and color as well as vertical and panoramic images you can scan back and forth (or up and down) using a thumbnail browser window. The two collections could not be more different with the more confrontational monochrome photographs portraying contemporary Icelandic society while the eye-popping color portraits are fanciful in nature and offer an idealized view into the psyche of today's Iceland. The "Lomo" galleries include images made with Lomo and Holga cameras, with the 35mm Holga images of special interest. "Cars" are obviously made for commercial clients with the Hyundai collection notable for a view of the vehicles in the Icelandic landscape, and overall creativity. "Architecture" shines with its beautifully stark color images of gas stations at night. "Nature" includes four collections offering Ingimundarson's widescreen view of Iceland that can be green and lush or snow covered, all captured with a poet's eye blending foreground and background with subtle strokes that serve as a welcome to us armchair travelers who may never be lucky enough to make the physical journey. The "At Night" collection includes color photographs of the aurora borealis interacting with the snowy landscape to create magical images, demonstrating how Iceland is one of Earth's beautiful mysteries. Ingimundarson's talent and skills make it available to us all.

© 2008, Bernhard Kristinn Ingimundarson, All Rights Reserved