Student Union - Daniel Tckmantel

Daniel Tückmantel
RMIT University
Melbourne, Australia

Daniel is a senior at the university, majoring in commercial photography. "I work mostly in the studio and love to involve complex postproduction in my images," he says. "I like preplanning the production, planning how the montage will work, then shooting the different elements and doing the Photoshop work to put them all together." The photographs here were made for various classes with a variety of equipment, including 4x5 and digital cameras.

Ultimately, Daniel would like to work in high-end advertising photography, preferably in Sydney. "But I'm not sure what will happen. I'm not Australian, I'm from Switzerland. I came to Australia five years ago as a backpacker, lived in Sydney for a few months and fell in love with the city. I needed a good reason to come back so I decided I'd study here. I did research and found where the good courses were in Australia, and it turned out to be in Melbourne. Right now I'm not sure I'll be able to stay after I graduate." If he can't, he has his eye on London as a likely place to begin his career.

All Photos © 2008, Daniel Tückmantel, All Rights Reserved

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