Visualizations: Chloe Margulis

Chloe Margulis
Paul D. Schreiber High School
Port Washington, New York
Chloe Margulis, who graduated in June, took film photography in her sophomore year, learning to develop and print her images, then moved on to digital in two years of AP courses. “I chose film photography because you don’t get that kind of opportunity too often,” she says. Her introduction to photography came from her father and his cameras, with school contributing experience and the opportunity for further exploration.
She shoots color, black and white, and, as in the image of the 50th anniversary commemoration of Shorin Ryu karate aboard the USS Intrepid in New York City, sometimes includes HDR techniques in her work as well.
Margulis cites Ansel Adams’s landscape photography as a major influence. “I learned what to look for, and to try to give my subjects a timeless look,” she says. Her interest in landscapes led to a series of seasonal photographs of the landscape of cemeteries.
She considers photography a hobby rather than a career interest, but would like to continue her photo studies in college, “not as a major or minor area, but just to take the classes…and to be able to take more photographs.”
Chloe Margulis was recommended by Kris Murphy, photography teacher at Paul D. Schreiber High School.
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