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Ron Leach  |  Aug 30, 2021  | 

If you are like most photographers you’d rather be out shooting than sitting behind a computer processing images. Of course editing photos is a necessary part of the process; so today we’re bringing you a bunch of Lightroom keyboard shortcuts that will help you work faster and smarter.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 26, 2021  | 

There are some who say you're not a true photographer if you shoot in natural light. What utter nonsense!

Ron Leach  |  Aug 26, 2021  | 

So you absolutely love landscape photography and you’re motivated to do everything possible to improve your work. One way to do that is by following the ongoing tutorials we post, and another is to be sure you’re using the type of gear that is best suited for the task.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 25, 2021  | 

If you're using the global vibrance and saturation tool to edit your photos in Lightroom, you should stop right away, according to landscape pro Mark Denney. While that color adjustment feature is ok when used in moderation, it affects the entire image and can damage the quality of your shot, he says.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 25, 2021  | 

If you’re a wildlife photographer thinking about ditching your favorite DSLR in favor of a mirrorless camera, this video is for you. Before making the switch, see what this pro says are the pros, cons, and compromises.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 25, 2021  | 

It’s often difficult to achieve precise colors in landscape photos, depending upon lighting conditions and the background of a scene. But in this editing tutorial you’ll learn how to render beautiful colors and more.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 24, 2021  | 

Now here's a fun tutorial both for the educational content and for the exotic locale! Led by photographer Michael Sasser, the educational video takes you to a "secret" location in Malibu, California where Sasser shares his best tips for shooting boudoir and swimsuit photos using only natural light.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 24, 2021  | 

When heading out for a day of landscape photography, chances are you reach for a wide-angle lens—or perhaps one in the 70-200mm range. But if you want to create images with a unique look, it’s time to consider using a super-telephoto instead.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 24, 2021  | 

Everyone who shoots portrait photographs knows all too well that getting the shot is only half the battle. Proper image editing is also very important for optimum results, and today’s Photoshop tutorial demonstrates how to get the job done without any complicated techniques.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 23, 2021  | 

Photographers tend to think they’re the only ones who use Photoshop, but the truth is this powerful software is important to art directors, graphic designers, and many other content creators. So depending upon your needs, Adobe’s workspace options may or may not suit your needs.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 19, 2021  | 

If you're looking for fast and fun photography tricks, Kyle Nutt has got them for you. In the simple and quick tutorial below, Nutt shares five long exposure photography tricks in just 2.5 minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 19, 2021  | 

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced shooter, precise composition skills are important for virtually all types of photographs. But when shooting complicated outdoor scenes, proper framing techniques are absolutely essential.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 19, 2021  | 

When it comes to shooting outdoors we’re all at the mercy of Mother Nature, no matter the level of our skills or the beauty of a scene. And sometimes that means arriving at a great location, only to confront boring, dull skies.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 18, 2021  | 

Everyone loves camera hacks, especially if they result in better images. So prepare for some fun, as one of favorite landscape photographers demonstrates eight functional hacks that work wonders for landscape photography.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 18, 2021  | 

A lingerie photo shoot might sound simple to some photographers. Put a model in lingerie and click the shutter. That's all there is to it, right?
