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Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2021  | 

If you’re a regular on this page, you know that we don’t subscribe to the notion that Manual Mode is the only way to go if you’re serious about photography. In fact, we recently posted a tutorial in which one pro insisted that Aperture Priority Mode is often a better choice.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2021  | 

Do you struggle with exposing photographs properly? Are your images either too bright or too dark? Well you’re not alone. But if you watch the following tutorial, those struggles will be a thing of the past.

 |  Sep 28, 2021  | 

Do you constantly worry whether your photos are getting enough likes on Instagram and elsewhere on social media? Do you find yourself always trying to create images that appeal more to a general audience than your artistic vision?

Ron Leach  |  Sep 28, 2021  | 

The trusty wide-angle lens is a top choice among many of the world’s best travel, nature, and landscape photographers. But having the right glass doesn’t mean optimum results, unless you know how to make the post of this popular tool.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 28, 2021  | 

Presets are timesaving files that enable Lightroom to apply predetermined enhancements to images, enabling you to quickly make changes to color, introduce special effects, and much more. By clicking on a preset you avoid the task of doing things manually, and you can always go back in and tweak the results.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 27, 2021  | 

Most of the tutorials we share from image-editing expert Anthony Morganti explain Photoshop and Lightroom techniques for enhancing your photos. Consider this one more of an important maintenance task to keep Lightroom running smoothly and avoid losing track of your hard-earned images.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 27, 2021  | 

One of the most important skills in the early development of all photographers is knowing how to interpret the light falling on a scene, and then choosing the camera settings that will result in a perfectly exposure photo. With a bit of knowledge and practice, this quickly becomes second nature—enabling you concentrate on other key variables that make up a great image.

Denis Reggie  |  Sep 24, 2021  | 

(Editor’s Note: Exploring Light is a monthly Shutterbug column featuring tips, tricks, and photo advice from professional photographers in the Canon Explorers of Light and Canon Legends education program. This month's column is by Denis Reggie with tips on how to successfully capture weddings like a news event.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 23, 2021  | 

One overlooked, so to speak, area of your camera that can get dirty is the viewfinder. Whether it's an optical viewfinder on a DSLR or an EVF on a mirrorless camera, that eye-sized window is prone to smudging, which can make it hard to see your subject.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 23, 2021  | 

Sometimes our brief Camera Basics tutorials are helpful for novices and experienced shooters alike, and this quick video falls into that category. In this episode you’ll learn how to employ the concept of “Expose to the Right” (ETTR) to easily make higher quality photographs.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 23, 2021  | 

We’re a big fan of Serge Ramelli’s landscape, travel, and cityscape photography, and his tutorials are always popular with our readers. So when he says the Lightroom tutorial below reveals five “must know” editing tricks, it’s time to pay attention.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 22, 2021  | 

What makes a great landscape photo? According to landscape pro Mark Denney it must have at least two of three key things.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 22, 2021  | 

Many outdoor photographers consider autumn the most exciting time of year to shoot. That’s because skies tend to be dramatic, the light is often interesting, and colorful fall foliage is everywhere you look.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 22, 2021  | 

Most of you are familiar with the farcical notion that, “You’re not a real photographer unless you always use your camera’s Manual mode.” Well, the video below takes the opposite and equally controversial view.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 21, 2021  | 

Followers on YouTube are always asking photographer Pierre T. Lambert what his favorite camera settings are so in the below video he decided to share his "secrets." But first, he has a caveat.
