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Ron Leach  |  Sep 21, 2021  | 

When improving soft images during the editing process there’s a big difference between sharp, crisp, and crispy. Do things properly and you’ll achieve realistic sharp results. But make a common mistake and you’ll turn an otherwise nice shot into a crispy, ugly mess.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 21, 2021  | 

Today’s modern digital cameras offer insanely high ISO options, and conventional wisdom is to avoid them and go no higher than at least two settings below the maximum. But according to one top pro, there are times when is OK to use the highest ISO setting available.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 20, 2021  | 

Nothing spoils an otherwise great photo more than a really unattractive or distracting background. And that holds true whether you’re shooting portraits, macro, flowers, or certain types of wildlife images.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 20, 2021  | 

A lot goes into making eye-popping bird photos in the field. First you have locate an attractive subject, and then catch it in a great pose against a pleasing background. Once you’ve done that, you still have to get the exposure right under often changing light—all before the bird decides to take flight.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 16, 2021  | 

Everybody wants to avoid mistakes when it comes to photography and one of the best places to start is in the editing room. There's a tendency by beginner editors to overdo it when they are retouching their portraits and that can be the biggest mistake of all.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 16, 2021  | 

Lightroom can be bewildering for those new to the software because there is a seemingly endless array of tools and techniques to learn. Fortunately, Lightroom Ambassador Michael Aboya is here with another of his “In a Lightroom Minute” tutorials, explaining the difference between three easy-to-use tools.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 16, 2021  | 

Every so often every photographer hits the doldrums and runs out of fresh ideas. Landscape shooters are no different, and the video below will help you get the creative juices flowing one again.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 15, 2021  | 

If you've edited images in Photoshop, you've probably heard of the Puppet Warp feature. And like a lot of Photoshop users, you've probably never tried it.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 15, 2021  | 

Whether you’re shooting formal portraits or quick photos of family and friends, imperfect skin can really detract from an image. In this tutorial you’ll learn the best way to smooth a subject’s skin in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 15, 2021  | 

Some photographers shoot landscapes, while others concentrate on wildlife or travel imagery. But you can take your outdoor photography to the next level by being less of a purist and combining two or three of these disciplines in your work.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 14, 2021  | 

Nothing is worse for a portrait than a subject who looks irritated or angry when they're supposed to be relaxed. Unless that's the angle you're going for, and even then, you still need your model to look engaged in a photo. Otherwise, the image will look awkward.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 14, 2021  | 

Landscape and travel photographers often prefer to shoot with wide-angle lenses—either a fast prime or a more versatile short zoom. In this tutorial you’ll see why one pro takes the later approach and learn some of his tricks.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 14, 2021  | 

Photoshop recently added a Sky Replacement Tool for processing images with boring skies. If you’re one of those photographers who rebel against such drastic measures, this tutorial is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

Pretty much everyone with a camera has heard the term “dynamic range” bandied about. But do you really know what it means and how it affects your photos? If not, this quick tutorial is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

As the name suggests, Lightroom’s Targeted Adjustment Tool enables you to “target” and adjust certain portions of a photo without affecting other parts of the image. Unfortunately, this powerful easy-to-use tool is unfamiliar to many photographers.
