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Ron Leach  |  Jan 25, 2022  | 

Entry-level and mid-range compact cameras have fallen by the wayside as most of us own a high-end smartphone that’s sufficient for capturing impromptu images. But for “serious” photography on the go there are still several compelling reasons to carry a premium point-and shoot camera with easily accessible creative controls.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 25, 2022  | 

It’s no secret that camera technology has evolved dramatically over the past dozen years, with advanced sensors boasting higher resolution, improved imaging characteristics, faster and faster burst rates, and a wide array of new features. But what about ISO performance?

Ron Leach  |  Jan 24, 2022  | 

Most of you know that processing b&w images requires a much different approach than dealing with color, and in both cases there are a number of ways to achieve optimum results.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 24, 2022  | 

We regularly share tutorials from Romanian outdoor pro Toma Bonciu, and this eye-opening episode is a bit different than his typical fare. That’s because the six tips he provides come from six of the world’s great classic landscape photographers.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 21, 2022  | 

Under most circumstances we strive for sharp images by using a tripod and employing proper exposure settings to minimize camera shake. But as you’ll see in the video below, it’s possible to make beautiful images by intentionally moving the camera while using slow shutter speeds,

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 20, 2022  | 

Tripods are big help with capturing sharp landscapes, cityscapes, and panoramas particularly when you're photographing at night. But what do you do in the cases where you can't use a tripod or simply left it behind?

Ron Leach  |  Jan 20, 2022  | 

Whether you shoot landscapes, wildlife, sports, or just about any other type of photos, if you miss focus you’ve pretty much botched the job. That’s because unsharp results are one of the most common ways to spoil an otherwise great scene.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 20, 2022  | 

Most photographers prefer to be out shooting, not sitting behind a computer processing images. In the quick tutorial below, you’ll learn how to dramatically lessen your computer time by bulk editing photos in Lightroom.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 19, 2022  | 

We've taught you how to quickly remove people and objects from an image, now here's a tutorial on how to easily Photoshop a person into an image with just a few clicks. Led by software guru Colin Smith of photoshopCAFE, the video shows you how to place a person onto a different background.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2022  | 

Winter landscape photography can be a serious challenge, with dreadful, uninviting weather and bleak, barren scenes devoid of color. But rather than stow you gear until conditions improve, take a look at the tutorial below and pick up a few tips for making truly epic images this time of year.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 19, 2022  | 

Lightroom’s powerful new masking tools created a huge buzz as soon as Adobe released the latest version of their software. Today we’re going to show you how easy it is to achieve remarkable results with these sophisticated capabilities.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 18, 2022  | 

Sometimes you can strike gold when post-processing your images. The perfect tweak to the right image can turn it from an also-ran into a winner. But here's another way to give your photos the Midas Touch, quite literally, in Photoshop.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 18, 2022  | 

If you’re new to telephoto lens photography the video below is a must see. But even if you already shoot with long lenses, you’ll pick up some valuable tips for taking your photography to the next level.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 18, 2022  | 

When one of our favorite travel and nature photographers describes what he says is “Lightroom’s Most Powerful color grading tool,” it’s time to pay attention. And in the tutorial below, you’ll learn how easy it is to use.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 14, 2022  | 

If you’ve never bothered to change the default settings on your camera, it’s time to pay attention and make a few modifications so your it performs best for you. As you’ll see in the quick explainer below, there are several key camera settings you should seriously consider changing, whether or not your camera is brand new.
