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Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2021  | 

Not long ago we featured a very helpful tutorial, explaining how to customize Photoshop’s interface to facilitate your personal workflow. The point was that Photoshop is designed for photographers, art directors, and a variety of other content creators, and the default workspace isn’t equally conducive for all users.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2021  | 

The first thing most photographers do after buying a new camera is to invest in a second battery, and the immediate quandary is whether to buy an expensive OEM product or purchase a bargain-priced battery that supposedly offers equal or better performance.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 13, 2021  | 

We regularly turn to British pro Nigel Danson for expert tips on capturing compelling landscape and travel photos. Today’s tutorial is a bit different, as he foregoes a discussion of gear and shooting techniques, and reveals what he says are the best exposure settings to use.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 10, 2021  | 

If you shoot portraits without flash, and you’re dissatisfied with the results, this quick tutorial is for you. You’ll see how a simple editing technique will make you and your model proud.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 09, 2021  | 

Here's a fun video if you're a fan (or even if you not) of popular YouTube photographers Manny Ortiz, Anita Sadowska, and Irene Rudnyk. In the below clip, Ortiz, Sadowska, and Rudnyk take a trip into the desert outside Las Vegas, NV to photograph Ortiz' wife, the model and nurse Diana.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 09, 2021  | 

Winter is just about here, and with it comes great opportunities for beautiful landscape photography. One of the downsides is that this final season of the year is frequently accompanied by weather that is downright awful.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 08, 2021  | 

What are the most important focal lengths for landscape photography? Pro landscape photographer Mark Denney has picked two of them and says, "they're not what you think."

Ron Leach  |  Dec 08, 2021  | 

When reviewing images on the computer, many of us immediately relegate images with boring flat light to the trash. But if you resist the temptation and employ a simple editing technique, you can rehabilitate dull images and turn them into something special.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 08, 2021  | 

Whether you’re shooting at a local nature reserve, on safari in Africa, or photographing birds in your backyard, there are several things you can do to dramatically improve your results.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 07, 2021  | 

With every new update of Adobe's Lightroom comes a host of new editing tools, some good, some less important, and some secret. Well, not exactly secret secret but more like hidden or overlooked or buried and easy to miss.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 07, 2021  | 

Photoshop offers an almost endless array of creative tools for enhancing our images, and depending upon your skills you can make things as complicated or as simple as necessary. The technique explained in the video below falls into the latter category, and delivers amazing results.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 07, 2021  | 

Let’s say you arrive at a gorgeous location before dawn with all the gear you need for capturing epic winter sunrise photos. You’ve got it nailed, right? Well not so fast.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 06, 2021  | 

Making great images is often about being in the right place at the right time. But that’s not always possible depending upon where you live, where you’re going, and the degree to which Mother Nature cooperates.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 06, 2021  | 

There’s much more to selecting a lens than focal length, maximum aperture, AF vs MF, and whether you’re looking for a prime lens or a zoom. In fact, depending upon your style of photography and the emotion you want to convey, an economical lens may be a better choice than high-end glass that’s far more costly.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 03, 2021  | 

Winter doesn’t officially begin for another couple of weeks, but in some parts of the county the cold, wintery landscape has already appeared. Today we’ll show you how to make awe-inspiring photos of the new season.
