John Brandon

John Brandon  |  Sep 01, 2009

onOne Software’s new PhotoTools 2 Pro Edition seems to have a clear mission that aligns with those aims—to bring out the best in an already appealing photo.

John Brandon  |  Sep 01, 2009

PhotoStudio 6 is a feature-rich application in its own right; for instance, you can create layers for image editing, paint on the image with a variety of brushes, and apply artistic effects.

John Brandon  |  Jun 01, 2009

Microsoft’s Expression Media 2, flexibility is the key feature—it lets you avoid a predetermined workflow where you follow the same path each time you manage photos.

John Brandon  |  May 01, 2009

In photography, tracking the location of a shoot is almost as important as the shoot itself.

John Brandon  |  Mar 01, 2009

What if you could take a physical light box—like that ancient cabinet model you once used for viewing slides—and put it inside your computer?

John Brandon  |  Mar 01, 2009

Workflow has become an important topic in photography. I know it is for me. After a shoot, I’ll rummage through photos on a MacBook Pro trying to pick a few that are worth publishing on my Flickr page, saving several for my permanent archive, and using a small handful for Photoshop experimentation. Of course, you can browse photos on the digital camera itself right after you take a series...

John Brandon  |  Sep 01, 2008

In a perfect world, photos would magically transport themselves from your camera to a safe location, fully metatagged and color corrected. Alas, the professional's workflow is not that simple. In a digital age, a streamlined workflow hinges on two factors: photo viewing speed and editing agility.

Apple's Aperture 2.1 addresses both...
