Jon Canfield

Jon Canfield  |  Dec 01, 2004

Based on e-mails I've received from the first Output Options column (ColorPlus: Affordable And Easy Color Management, September/October eDigitalPhoto), many of you are struggling with the quality of prints--even after calibrating your monitor. So, just in time for the holiday season and the increase in family photos that many people have, I'd like to talk about...

Jon Canfield  |  Nov 01, 2004

All Photos © 2004, Jon Canfield, All Rights Reserved

If you're anything like me, you have wasted time, paper, and ink, and pulled hair out trying to achieve the perfect print from your digital files--especially neutral black and white prints. There are many solutions available, some that are very specific in nature, and others that cover...

Jon Canfield  |  Nov 01, 2004

This month I'm going to focus on optimizing your digital images for display on the web. The biggest challenge most photographers face is creating a good print, but web display can be just as challenging and has its own unique set of needs. Images shown on the web or in e-mail need to find a balance between the size and the quality of...

Jon Canfield  |  Sep 01, 2004

Hello, and welcome to Output Options. In this column, I'll be covering issues and topics related to how you can get the most from your images after you've made the pictures and have downloaded them into your computer. Whether you need information...
