Ben Clay/Web Photo School

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Apr 01, 2003

Lesson Of The Month

This past summer, my wife and I took a road trip across the country and along the way we spent a few days in Yellowstone National Park and in the Badlands of South Dakota. Both places are visually stunning and...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Mar 01, 2003

Lesson Of The Month

Have you ever come across a portrait or architectural shot that looks as though the lighting was completely natural, only to find out later that it was artificially lit? It's a sign of a good photographer...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Feb 01, 2003

Lesson Of The Month

Recently, my wife and I undertook a long day hike through an old growth forest trail in Oregon, where we came across...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Dec 01, 2002

Lesson Of The Month

If you are just starting out with a digital camera or are making the switch from traditional to digital, you will do well to take some extra time to learn a few important principles of digital photography...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Sep 01, 2002

Recently, I was at a local dance studio taking a headshot for one of their dancers, Crystal. While headshots can be fairly straightforward, it is always good to keep different lighting approaches in mind. Here, I ran through some fairly fundamental...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Aug 01, 2002

Color temperature refers to the frequency of color that can be measured from any particular light source. The efficiency of our own visual experience, however, can make the idea of color temperature somewhat confusing. This is because our eyes have...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Jul 01, 2002

There are many photographers who absolutely dread the thought of shooting jewelry. After all, jewelry is often highly reflective, very small in size, and can be difficult to work with in creating a composition.

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Jun 01, 2002

For many fashion and portrait shots, it is necessary to use several different light sources to get good results. It is not uncommon to have a main light, a fill light, a hairlight, and one or two background lights. However, sometimes a great shot can...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  May 01, 2002

Most people assume that professional portraiture requires expensive camera strobes for good results. Strobes can work beautifully with portraits, particularly when used with softboxes, but they are not necessary in many situations. Armed with equipment to...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Mar 01, 2002

Soft light is created when a light source (sun, light bulb) becomes diffused. Because diffused light renders people and objects in smooth tonal transitions, it works very well when taking portraits. Soft light is often present indoors...
