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Ron Leach  |  Nov 04, 2021  | 

Whether you’re shooting portraits or other outdoor scenes with a prominent foregoing object, you can draw attention to the main subject by minimizing depth-of-field. This technique can also add an artistic flair to your images.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 04, 2021  | 

Temperatures are dropping and the first day of winter is barely around the corner, with all the great photo opportunities the chilly new season will present. One way to best capture the essence of winter is to include falling snow in your images.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 03, 2021  | 

There are plenty of amazing features in the new Photoshop 2022. And while many folks are concentrating on the update’s powerful masking capabilities, there’s an incredible overlooked tool that works like magic with just one click.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 03, 2021  | 

Landscape photographer Mark Denney is someone who is really enjoying Adobe's recent update to Lightroom. In fact, he likes one feature so much, he just made a video calling it the best new set of editing tools in Lightroom for developing landscape photos.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 03, 2021  | 

One of the first things most photographers learn is to avoid high ISO settings whenever possible. That’s because the more you crank up ISO, the more image quality tends to suffer.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 02, 2021  | 

For those on a budget it’s tempting to purchase an inexpensive 2X teleconverter to double the focal length of a lens you already own, instead of spending big bucks on a powerful super-telephoto zoom. But does this really make sense in terms of image quality, or are you better off just cropping your photos?

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 02, 2021  | 

Here's a great idea to capture truly head-turning portraits if you have a willing model. In the below video, photographer Karl Taylor shows you how to create dynamic portraits by throwing (yes, throwing) paint on a model.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 01, 2021  | 

It‘s no secret that there’s been a dramatic shift from DSLR to mirrorless camera systems on the part of consumers and manufactures alike. But some photographers are hanging on to their trusty DSLRs for making certain types of images.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 01, 2021  | 

As we’ve mentioned in the past, photographers tend to think Adobe created Photoshop exclusively for them. But the truth is there are many other types of avid users, from graphic designers and art directors to web designers and other content creators.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 29, 2021  | 

The wide-angle lens is a popular choice for capturing expansive landscape vistas, travel photos, and architectural shots. But depending upon the scene, your vantage point, and whether or not you’re able to avoid tilting the camera up or down, unsightly perspective distortion may occur.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 28, 2021  | 

Sometimes you take a photograph and while the main subject looks great, the background is really weak. The solution is to simply place your subject against a more interesting background, right? Well, not so fast.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 28, 2021  | 

There are worse things than being a beginning photographer. After all, you can make big improvements in your skills in a relatively short time. But if you consider yourself a more advanced shooter, and you still make beginner mistakes, that’s a cause for concern.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 27, 2021  | 

Serious landscape photographers tend to carry a lot of lens filters, including those for enhancing colors, to others that reduce the amount of light entering the camera and enable slow shutter speed effects. In the video below, you’ll see what an experienced pro says is the one filter he never leaves home without.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 27, 2021  | 

Pro photographer Toma Bonciu (AKA Photo Tom) teaches landscape photography to beginners through his photo workshops. And during these tutorial sessions, he witnesses the many mistakes beginner landscape photographers often make.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 26, 2021  | 

For those new to wildlife photography, birds provide a great opportunity for capturing impressive images. If you’re lucky enough to have a wildlife refuge nearby, that’s a great place to start. But you can also make some great photographs in your own backyard.
