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Ron Leach  |  Nov 11, 2016  | 

We’ve written about damage caused by careless photographers before, but something is going on in Lisbon that is really unfathomable. There have been two incidents there recently in which idiots with cameras have accidently damaged priceless statues beyond repair—simply because they weren’t paying attention.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 11, 2016  | 

As Americans celebrate Veteran’s Day honoring those who served our country, and our friends in Canada do the same for what they call Remembrance Day, we thought we’d share some beautifully colorized images from the First World War.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2016  | 

Drones are becoming increasingly popular among photographers because they enable us to capture images from a perspective not typically possible otherwise. We say “typically” because Polish photographer Kacper Kowalski is what you might call a “human drone” who shoots amazing images while paragliding.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2016  | 

These days photography is becoming sort of a contact sport, with more and more photographers being assaulted while doing their jobs. Typically, however, these incidents occur to photographers covering riots or political rallies, rather that at charity events as was the case here.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 10, 2016  | 

A while back we reviewed the latest update of Affinity Photo for Mac users, a powerful $49 non-subscription Photoshop alternative. Now Serif Labs has released a free beta that gives Windows users access to the speed and versatility of this award-winning image editor.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2016  | 

Chris Porsz is a paramedic and long-time amateur street photographer who came up with an enchanting project: He tracked down the subjects of the street portraits he shot almost 40 years ago, and recreated the images with the people as they appear today. 

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2016  | 

High dynamic range photography was a really popular technique for awhile, until it fell out of favor in some circles because of heavy-handed processing that often resulted in surreal looking images that were over-saturated, too contrasty, and over-sharpened.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 09, 2016  | 

The world’s mountains have always captured our imagination, and photographers have spent careers documenting the majesty of high peaks only accessible to a few. Swiss photographer Sebastien Staub is one such artist, and his images often strike a softer, more sublime note than those of others.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 09, 2016  | 

Nikon just unveiled the brand new D5600 DSLR at the company’s headquarters in Tokyo today. Photographers in the U.S., however, will have to wait a bit if they want to get their hands on this advanced amateur DSLR that uses a 24.2-megapixel, DX-format (APS-C) sensor.

Staff  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

The Goods spotlights the hottest premium photo gear out there. If you have a product you’d like considered for The Goods, e-mail images and info to

Joe Farace  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

Proving you can, in fact, change your tune; Paul Simon revised the lyrics to “Kodachrome” when performing the song in Central Park in 1991 to “everything looks better in black and white.” Picky photographers insist “monochrome” is more precise because it covers images made using sepia, blue, or other tones, while images using only shades of gray are black and white.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

In only its second year, the Sienna International Photo Award (SIPA) competition received over 50,000 images, submitted by amateurs and pros from over 130 countries worldwide. And the winning photographs are simply breathtaking.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

Leica today unveiled an innovative mirrorless camera, the Leica TL, which offers an impressive array of features and a gorgeous titanium-anodized body crafted in Germany from a solid block of aluminum.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 08, 2016  | 

If you’re like many photographers who travel with a laptop and often wish you had a larger monitor for working on your images, look no further: SPUD is an innovative 24-inch projection screen that weighs less than two pounds  and collapses down to the size of a book in under 10 seconds.

Joe Farace  |  Nov 07, 2016  | 

A reader recently e-mailed me, asking, “I noticed you and other professional photographers don't always use right-click protection or watermarks (on your sites.) It seems like you'd want to protect your photos from unauthorized use. I'm not a pro but even I wouldn't want someone to grab some of my photos as their own.”
