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Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2016  | 

Petar Sabol Sharpeye is an award-winning Croatian photographer with a wide-ranging portfolio. One of his specialties is macro photography, and he’s created some unique images using a Meyer-Optik Goerlitz Trioplan 100mm f/2.8 “Soap Bubble” lens.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2016  | 

Amateur photographer Gareth Matthews spends a lot of time on the road as a supermarket delivery driver, and he used his interest in photography to make this spectacular time-lapse video during his travels around Scotland.

Steve Bedell  |  Nov 18, 2016  | 

I love testing the new and latest lighting gear. The transformation from the analog to the digital age has meant rapid advancements in both camera and lighting equipment. The advent of the self-contained, battery-powered monolight is one of the prime areas where the manufacturers are all producing lights that are just as capable and easy to use in the field as they are in the studio.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 18, 2016  | 

This should be required viewing/reading for all photographers this weekend. Time magazine has launched its new “100 Photographs: The Most Influential Images of All Time” online project and it’s a feast of riches for anyone who cares about photography.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 17, 2016  | 

As photographer Jessica Dyer writes about this incredible slow motion video of a hummingbird: “Wait for it…and turn on the sound.”

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 17, 2016  | 

Lightroom tutorials are always popular with Shutterbug readers so here’s one that’s as simple and effective as they get. In the 2:30+ minute how-to video below, Jordan from Sleeklens gives you some great tips on how to remove sensor dust from your image using Adobe Lightroom.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 16, 2016  | 

While many if not most of our readers shoot images in Raw format most of the time, there are times when you want to shoot a JPEG file. For instance, when you shoot in Raw+JPEG mode. :-)

Staff  |  Nov 15, 2016  | 

Shutterbug reader Joshua Moore is a volunteer photographer for the National Park Service and travels to many parks. On his way to the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park in Kentucky, Moore often visits Rogersville, Tennessee.

Maria Piscopo  |  Nov 15, 2016  | 

This month we talk with seven photographers pursuing their passion for action, adventure, and sports and find out how they are getting the work: Aaron Belford, Tegan Keller (Tegan K. Studios LLC), Chayce Lanphear, Joe Morahan (Morahan Visuals, LLC), Elli Morris, Jayms Ramirez, and Robert Snow.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 15, 2016  | 

Photographers have a new place to put all those high resolution images and massive 4K videos when they’re out shooting on the road. Seagate introduced the world’s largest capacity mobile drive today, the Backup Plus Portable 5TB drive.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 14, 2016  | 

Tonight HBO is airing a documentary you won’t want to miss: “Underfire” is the untold story of Private Tony Vaccaro who was a 21-year-old photographer and infantryman during World War II. Now 93, Vaccaro is finally receiving the long-overdue recognition he deserves.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 14, 2016  | 

British photographer Gerard Taylor has been working on his first time-lapse for quite some time and after taking over 5600 images, the video you see below is the beautiful result. Taylor says he accomplished the task without any sophisticated software, which should give you the courage to try one of your own.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 14, 2016  | 

Photographer Sergey Polyushko is a rare breed of photographer who is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of everything. When we stumbled upon his Instagram page were impressed by both the breadth and quality of his work, but what really caught our eye was his incredible wildlife and animal images.

Edited by George Schaub  |  Nov 11, 2016  | 

The new Olympus E-PL8 is the latest model of the PEN series. PEN cameras are stylish and compact systems based on Micro Four/Thirds sensors and lens mounts. The camera is available in different colors, as are the numerous accessories that can be matched to the initial color choice. The camera looks like an analog rangefinder camera, but the Olympus E-PL8 doesn’t come with a viewfinder. The photographer has to use the 3-inch LCD on the back, which also serves as the visual control center for menus and image parameters. Olympus does offers an EVF system that can be mounted on the hot shoe of the E-PL8.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 11, 2016  | 

Photographers tend to get pretty exited when there’s a “supermoon” and the one occurring on Monday is going to be extra super because it’s the closest the moon will have approached Earth in the past 69 years. The video below will explain how to make the most of this special opportunity,
