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Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2018  | 

Everyone who is old enough remembers the captivating moment in 1968 when three NASA astronauts became the first humans to orbit the moon. In this stunning video from the National Geographic Short Film Showcase, three astronauts from that Apollo 8 mission reflect on their awe-inspiring experience 50 years ago and recount how one photograph they captured of planet Earth forever changed the way we see ourselves.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 28, 2017  | 

Everyone wants to create dramatic images with vibrant, natural colors that "pop.” And as you’ll see in the video below, there’s a bit more involved in making impactful photos than simply dragging the saturation slider to the right.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 28, 2017  | 

We’ve all heard stories of photographers being hassled by law enforcement officials when attempting to legally shoot photos in public places. In the amazing video below, you’ll see what happened when six British photographers attempted to do just that in London.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 27, 2019  | 

There's a world of difference to how different prime lenses affect portrait photography. Earlier this week we shared a video comparing how four different primes handled portraits, and now here's one from Jessica Whitaker, this time showing how the 35mm vs 50mm vs 85mm stack up.

Dan Havlik  |  May 07, 2018  | 

We’ve been sharing photos of the powerful beauty of lava flow from the erupting Kilauea volcano in Hawaii on our Instagram feed, but here’s some new footage showing its destructive danger. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 17, 2016  | 

These beautiful timelapse videos (one horizontal and one vertical) are quite different from those we’ve posted recently. Here, Japanese artist Yoshiyuki Katayama employs a bit of editing and/or camera trickery to capture stunning imagery of insects exploring flowers as they bloom.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2017  | 

CNN Style is a monthly, 30-minute show devoted to inspirational coverage of art, design, architecture and fashion. In episode ten, host Derek Blasberg takes an in-depth look at the power of photography, and you can watch the 24-minute clip below (with no commercials).

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 04, 2017  | 

If you love “seeing how the sausage is made” in the camera world as much as we do, then you’re going to really enjoy the Surface Magazine video below of factory workers in Germany hand-building Leica M10 digital rangefinders.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 25, 2017  | 

Norwegian photographer Daniel Modol was shooting video of a distant storm from the terrace of his home in Gjerstad as lightning bounced off the horizon. Suddenly with a BOOM, a lightning bolt struck just a few feet away. And when we say, “boom” we mean it; this is a loud video so turn down the volume before watching the clip below.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2017  | 

Nick Page is an acclaimed nature photographer and in the video below he provides a behind-the-scenes look at his 2017 Oregon Coast Workshop and offers some great advice for seascape photography.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 13, 2018  | 

Ever wonder how Nikon tests the toughness of its top-of-the-line full frame cameras? Watch the below video showing the “strict reliability tests,” that Nikon puts its D850 through to make sure these premium DSLRs pass muster.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 04, 2016  | 

The Nikon Coolpix P900 is a do-everything, 16-megapixel camera featuring a crazy, 83X built-in zoom lens. In the video below you can watch it get up close and personal with the moon from down here on earth. 

Dan Havlik  |  Feb 02, 2015  | 

Nikon has caught some flak recently for isolated problems with its recent DSLRs but there’s no denying these cameras can still produce fantastic images and videos. For more evidence of this, check out the two below clips featuring Nikon D750s.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 05, 2016  | 

Italian photographer Matteo Mescalchin is a location photographer who specializes in aerial and underwater photography. In this dramatic video, you’ll see him stop some high-speed action by freezing flying bullet shells.

Dan Havlik  |  Feb 20, 2017  | 

We’ve said it before we’ll say it again: bad weather outside should not stop you from taking great photos. In fact, sometimes stormy weather can be good for your photography.
