Use this Hidden Tool to Create Precise Selections in Lightroom (VIDEO)

When it comes to selections in Lightroom the task of creating "complex" masks doesn't have to be difficult if you follow the instructions in this tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel. And one way to get the job done to perfection is by using what one of our favorite prost-process experts calls a "hidden" Insect" tool.

Instructor Christian Mohrle is a professional landscape photographer based in Germany who specializes in simplifying seemingly complicated post-processing tasks. In today's 13-minute episode you'll learn when, why, and how to take advantage of this oft-ignored masking tool. Be sure to download the sample Raw file with a link beneath the video so you can follow along and mimic the simple steps as they're explained.

The image at hand is an interesting snowy landscape scene with a small lake in the foreground  and a looming mountain in the distance. The original shot is nicely composed but the exposure is off and colors are muted and dull. Mohrle's ultimate goal is to apply local adjustments to different areas within the frame to dramatically boost impact while keeping things looking realistic.

Mohrle begins by merging a five-photo HDR. He does this by right-clicking on one of the images, selecting Photo Merge and choosing the HDR option from a dropdown menu that appear. From there, just follow his simple instructions before making any further enhancements.

Next comes a few global adjustments to prepare the HDR file for the selective enhancements that follow with the Intersect tool. Mohrle expands the Basic panel and changes the profile from Adobe Color to Adobe Landscape which immediately boosts saturation. He also increases overall exposure and opens up shadows to fix the darkest areas within the frame.

Other preliminary adjustments include modifying White Balance to eliminate an unsightly blue cast, introducing more Texture, boosting Clarity for more midtone contrast, and increasing Vibrance.

With the basics out of the way, Mohrle turns his attention to Lightroom's transformational Insect tool for some amazing masking magic, and he walks you through the step-by-step process. He completes the edit with subtle color grading adjustments and a bit of cautious sharpening. Check out the before/after examples and you'll be duly impressed.

Mohrle's instructional YouTube channel is full of helpful lessons for all outdoor photographers, so don't forget to take a look.

We also recommend watching an earlier tutorial we posted in which another accomplished pro demonstrates how to imbue outdoor photographs with a moody and realistic fog effect by using a straightforward Lightroom technique.