Compact Camera News

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David B. Brooks  |  Dec 01, 2007  | 

As a photo enthusiast becomes more serious about making pictures, acquiring a larger and larger set of tools (lenses and accessories) to accommodate every possible contingency and capability seems to be essential. Unfortunately, a complex of lenses and accessories can make it all a very deliberate exercise. We all wish it could be more of a spontaneous, free-spirited adventure and...

Jason Schneider  |  Dec 20, 2018  | 

Street photography—walking around with a camera, poised to capture life on the fly—has never been more popular than it is now. Back in the day, masters like Alfred Eisenstaedt and Henri Cartier-Bresson prowled the streets with classic film-based Leica rangefinders, but today most street shooters opt for modern digital cameras.

Steve Meltzer  |  Nov 11, 2015  | 

After 140 years of photography, camera design has reached something of a pinnacle with today’s DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. But along the way to our digital era there were lots of false starts and dead ends. These were unusual cameras that had their brief moment and then simply disappeared.

Jason Schneider  |  Jul 18, 2018  | 

A score of digital and analog cameras that set standards for their era and pointed to the future.

Jason Schneider  |  Feb 13, 2018  | 

Superzoom point-and-shoot cameras are an attractive option for everyone from casual shooters to serious enthusiasts because they provide unmatched versatility and value, typically in compact, portable packages. Here are our 7 favorites.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 25, 2020  | 

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. The one thing that has stayed steady in an unsteady world though has been the variety of quality cameras that have come out in the past 12 months. This year Shutterbug once again worked with EISA, the world's largest independent collection of magazines and websites focusing on consumer electronics, to select the ten best cameras of 2020.

Jason Schneider  |  Oct 18, 2019  | 

Aimed at sophisticated shooters who don't mind spending a bit more on a small camera (instead of using their smart phone), the five best premium compact cameras in this buying guide have large sensors and robust feature sets that deliver outstanding performance and superior image control.

George Schaub  |  Aug 29, 2014  | 

The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) member magazines recently convened for their General Assembly to vote for the best photo and imaging products launched by the industry in the last 12 months. The voting took place during the General Assembly that was held in spring, 2014, in Vancouver, Canada.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 02, 2019  | 

Even if you don’t snorkel, ski or engage in any outdoor activities that can be unfriendly toward cameras, you need a ruggedized, waterproof, compact zoom that can stay in your pocket through cloudbursts, snowball fights and a capsized canoe without fret or falter. They are the SUVs of the camera world, and they’re great for younger kids, too. (And if you’re looking for a Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Graduation gift, these cameras…

Ron Leach  |  Jun 15, 2022  | 

If you’re having trouble nailing exposure and ask a few friends for help, you’re likely to be told, “it’s time you mastered Manual mode.” While that’s certainly an option, there’s another (and often easier) way to consistently achieve perfectly exposed photos.

Dan Havlik  |  Jun 30, 2015  | 

We reviewed the amazing Nikon Coolpix P900 last month and were blown away by its incredible 83x (24-2000mm in 35mm equivalent) optical zoom lens. Now we’ve seen something even more astounding from this camera.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 10, 2015  | 

Meet Rambo, an octopus at a New Zealand aquarium that's trained to take photos of tourists with a Sony camera. It’s an amazing stunt, which you can see in the below video, but not all that surprising if you know a thing or two about octopuses, which are some of the cleverest undersea creatures out there.
