Compact Camera News

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George Schaub  |  Mar 06, 2015  | 

Photokina 2014 in Germany has been covered widely on the Internet already—including our own extensive reporting on the show on—so there’s no need for me to rehash the major announcements from the event, such as the latest full-frame cameras from Canon and Nikon and the like. My photo report here is aimed at sharing some wider ranging thoughts and perspectives on this important biennial show and what it told us about photography today and where it might be heading tomorrow.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 19, 2014  | 

Yes, as we predicted, there’s been a ton of new photo gear announced for the photokina 2014 show in Cologne, Germany. We’re still in Cologne covering the show and there’s been so much photo gear news this past week, it’s actually hard for even us to remember some of what’s been announced.

Roger W. Hicks  |  Jan 01, 2007  | 

This would appear to be a new golden age for rangefinder users. There are now three major systems (Leica, Voigtländer, and Zeiss) and two minor (Epson and Rollei). All use the same cross-compatible lens mount, for which an extensive and excellent range of lenses is available, and all compete with one another, albeit at different price points. Who could have imagined this...

Peter K. Burian  |  Jun 01, 2008  | 

Although the D-SLR category is growing more rapidly, digicams with integral lenses still outsell the larger cameras by roughly 10 to 1. That's primarily because of the lower price and particularly the greater portability. Even the most serious photographer usually wants a pocket-size camera--with built-in lens and flash--that they can carry most anywhere.

Joe Farace  |  Jun 01, 2010  | 

“Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.”—Walt Disney


It’s a photokina year and you know what that means; all of the camera manufacturers will be holding off their newest SLRs for launch at the big show in Germany this fall. While Canon was not at PMA, they officially launched the EOS-1D Mark IV...

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 08, 2019  | 

Canon just unveiled two new small yet powerful compact cameras: the PowerShot G7 X III and PowerShot G5 X Mark II cameras. 

Cynthia Boylan  |  Jan 13, 2015  | 

Yesterday we told you about Polaroid's new Zip mobile printer and now here's another new  product from the venerable imaging brand. Polaroid’s new Socialmatic camera combines the nostalgic look of a vintage Polaroid instant camera with the ability to share your images via the camera’s built-in WiFi and Android interface.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Sep 26, 2014  | 

Polaroid’s latest imaging device takes the form of an colorful little box that measures slightly over one cubic inch. Called, appropriately, the Cube, the tiny Polaroid camera/camcorder just started shipping this week.

Dan Havlik  |  Mar 01, 2019  | 

It’s the age-old question that typically comes from non-photographers: does an expensive camera shoot better photos? As anyone who knows anything about photography will tell you: it’s the photographer, not the gear that’s the key to great photos!

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 19, 2016  | 

Canon held its once-every-five-years Canon Expo 2015 show in New York City last September where the Tokyo-based company pulled back the curtain on some potentially groundbreaking imaging technology. Part science lab and part marketing showcase, the event drew tens of thousands of buyers, dealers, and distributors of Canon products (along with a large group of journalists) eager to see what the company had up its sleeve.

George Schaub  |  Jun 27, 2014  |  First Published: May 01, 2014  | 

Starting with the 2014 CES trade show, held at the turn of the year, and continuing through press time for this issue, we’ve seen a goodly number of new products come to the fore. All this is only the start—this being a photokina year we’ll see a whole new round of products, including CMOS-sensor medium formats, with prices to match, coming our way. I trust that this report will give you a good sense of what’s here and what’s coming down the pike. So, here are my quick picks of those products that caught my eye, plus a snapshot of some of the trends.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 16, 2019  | 

Ricoh recently announced the latest in their series of high quality, ultra-portable digital cameras, the GR III. Smaller than its predecessor, this new Ricoh compact camera has a 24-megapixel APS-C format CMOS image sensor, 28mm (equivalent) prime lens and a host of features normally found on professional DSLRs. 

Cynthia Boylan  |  Feb 10, 2015  | 

The WG-5 GPS (the newest "adventure-proof" camera from Ricoh Imaging) is the latest addition in the WG series. This waterproof camera is equipped with new features including a new Underwater mode and enhanced Interval Shooting settings (that allow multiple images to be taken over a pre-set time in both Still and Video modes), in an easy to hold, non-slip body.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 15, 2016  | 

Ricoh Imaging Americas just unveiled the Ricoh GR II Silver Edition compact camera to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Ricoh Company, Ltd. This exclusive package consists of a silver-color edition of the GR II premium digital compact camera (launched in July 2015) and an exclusively designed camera case.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 18, 2015  | 

Ricoh Imaging Americas Corporation (Ricoh Imaging) has announced the newest camera in its GR series, the RICOH GR II, a premium compact camera with Wi-Fi and Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality. Ricoh claims the GR II, which uses an APS-C-sized 16.2-megapixel CMOS sensor, is “the smallest premium compact with DSLR image quality” on the market.
