Fine Art Photography How To

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Shutterbug Staff  |  Mar 22, 2019  | 

Do you love shooting fine art photos and wondered whether you could make a living doing it? Serge Ramelli, who is a professional fine art and landscape photographer, is here to show you how to potentially turn your dreams into a reality in the below video.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Apr 01, 2019  | 

Travel photographer Pierre T. Lambert teams up with Ivana Cook in the below video offering five tips on how to shoot mesmerizing minimalistic photos. Don't know what minimalistic photos are? Cook, a photographer who specializes in the fine art, minimalist style, explains.

David Schloss  |  Feb 27, 2024  | 

Turning your photos into artwork as a high-quality wall print, a custom leather-bound photo book, or a massive metallic wall hanging is a great way to really showcase photography and make it stand out from the swipe, swipe, swipe world of mobile photography.

Dan Havlik  |  Mar 02, 2016  | 

Photographer and videographer Roger Ballen’s work is dark, surreal, and downright creepy. And there are many people out there who would consider it art. But what about your work? Are you a photographer or an artist?

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Oct 21, 2016  | 

Probably half my portfolio comes from Martha's Vineyard. I've been going there for 40 years and find lots of inspiration, but inspiration and good images are everywhere."

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 22, 2016  | 

Xpozer is a fascinating new way to create exhibition-quality photo prints from Bay Photo Lab. How good do they look? If Leonardo da Vinci had seen these…

Maria Piscopo  |  Jan 20, 2015  | 

Photographers have always looked to the fine art field as a marketing outlet for their personal work but can you really make money from art sales? How do you establish yourself in the business? What are the best marketing tools for finding gallery representation and fine art clients? Is your work truly “fine art”? Certainly there will be many similarities to marketing consumer or commercial photography but the fine art world has some unique pitfalls and opportunities to watch for if you plan to expand into this field.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2023  | 

Experienced landscape photographers are known for carrying a bunch of lens filters, and the discussion often involves using ND filters for cutting the amount of light entering the camera to permit the use of slower shutter speeds. Today's tutorial, however, concerns the more common polarizing filter and how to use it for spectacular results.

Joe Farace  |  Dec 24, 2013  |  First Published: Nov 01, 2013  | 

Leaves haven’t started falling on Daisy Hill, but soon will be, and just as quickly the number of leaves needing to be raked reminds me of the thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of websites I’ve looked at and written about for Web Profiles over the years. The best are presented here but there are almost as many—maybe more—near misses that fail to make the grade because they lack focus. Not the pictures, mind you, but the purpose of having a site in the first place. While it may seem obvious to you it may not be to the person who lands on your homepage. Fall is a good time to reappraise and perhaps redesign your site for the New Year, giving it not just a new look but also a new purpose. Set a goal for your site and make sure that everything from the colors used to the words and images that appear go toward achieving that goal.

Jack Neubart  |  Aug 30, 2017  | 

Can you picture yourself burying a C-print in the ground halfway around the world? Or perhaps dunking a print in a lake, processing a print with tar from the La Brea Tar Pits, or streaming electricity through an entire photo exhibit interconnected with live wires to switch on a light bulb? And all for the sole purpose of artistic expression? That defines the uniquely imaginative and forward-thinking work of Matthew Brandt.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Aug 24, 2017  | 

You’re on Meols Beach, on the Irish Sea, looking east across the River Mersey; those lights are Liverpool. The beach is the place where imaging happens for Ray Mcbride when time and tide are just right.

Lynne Eodice  |  Apr 01, 2005  | 

Besides photographing people, nature ranks among the most popular subjects. Much of this appeal comes from the fact that there's a sense of wonder and mystery at the beauty of flora and fauna. Through photography, we can express our fascination with flowers and share it with others. Whether you enjoy shooting close-ups of a bud unfolding, or a field of wildflowers in the...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 10, 2015  | 

Long, long ago in a land far away, photo hobbyists often used yellow filters on their lenses when shooting black-and-white film. Monochrome film was a bit more sensitive to blue light back in those days, and that caused skies and clouds to blend and become an indistinguishable mess. For reasons we’ll see later, green filters were often used for portraits.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 18, 2020  | 

If you're looking to put your best foot forward this weekend, we've got a photography tutorial that's sure to curl your toes. Aside from, perhaps, hand shots, photos of feet are one of the most common images you see in advertising. And, of course, someone has to take all these lucrative feet photos, so why not get your foot in the door with this burgeoning artform today?
