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Lynne Eodice  |  Nov 01, 2005  | 

Born in India in 1967, Subhankar Banerjee received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering before moving to the US where he earned a master's degree in physics and computer science. He later accepted a job with Boeing in Seattle, Washington, and became a successful scientist. So why would he switch gears and devote himself to shooting pictures in Arctic...

Press Release  |  Sep 24, 2013  | 
Tether Tools and Phase One have announced a special Pro Tether Kit with Capture One Pro 7 that provides photographers the optimal tools for professional tethered capture. Together, the Tether Tools photo workstation and Capture One Pro 7 provide an exceptional workflow configuration for photo capture, camera control, processing and output, whether the shoot is in the studio or on location.
Ron Leach  |  Mar 21, 2023  | 

When manufacturers design a camera’s menu they do so without knowing the type of images you shoot or what style of imagery you prefer. And that’s why it’s important to modify the default settings so they meet your specific needs.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 20, 2022  | 

Whether you shoot landscapes, wildlife, sports, or just about any other type of photos, if you miss focus you’ve pretty much botched the job. That’s because unsharp results are one of the most common ways to spoil an otherwise great scene.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 28, 2024  | 

Today's portraiture tutorial takes you behind the lens of an accomplished pro who shares several "essential tips for capturing  breathtaking photos both indoors and outdoors." Whether you're just getting started making people pictures or you're looking for ways to up your game, this quick lesson is just what you need.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 13, 2023  | 

Capturing images of your travels involves many of the same techniques used when shooting other forms of outdoor photography. But there are a few extra considerations to keep in mind if you want optimum results.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Mar 08, 2016  | 

Some years ago Steve Simon took a leave from his job as a newspaper photographer in his native Canada and headed south across the border on a self-assigned project. “I’d loved photography since I was a kid in Montreal, roaming the streets, inspired by Cartier-Bresson,” Simon says, “but I’d been working 10 years at the newspaper, doing the same things again and again. I was looking for a way to get the inspiration back, to explore the power of what photography can be.”

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2024  | 

Most of us have the skills to capture beautiful photos of family members, be they our spouse, kids, grandkids, or other members of the clan. And because you're a photographer it's a good bet that your friends may ask you to do that for them too—even if portraiture isn't your thing.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 03, 2024  | 

Some diehard photographers are committed to "getting right in the camera" while refusing to edit their images, whether it's to adjust exposure, modify color, or even adjust composition with cropping. This eye-opening tutorial from Landscape Photography University takes a contrarian view by explaining why a failure to crop can often spoil an otherwise great shot.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 16, 2024  | 

You don't have to earn a living taking pictures to enjoy pro-level product quality. Enhance your photography passion by adding the right gear to your equipment arsenal. Even if you don't currently work as a pro, you can work like a pro.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 19, 2016  | 

Canon held its once-every-five-years Canon Expo 2015 show in New York City last September where the Tokyo-based company pulled back the curtain on some potentially groundbreaking imaging technology. Part science lab and part marketing showcase, the event drew tens of thousands of buyers, dealers, and distributors of Canon products (along with a large group of journalists) eager to see what the company had up its sleeve.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 27, 2024  | 

It comes as no surprise that many professional and some high-output amateur photographers use AI-assisted editing apps and/or plug-ins to perform standard image editing operations in bulk. Pros have outsourced common, repetitive editing tasks (like knocking out backgrounds) for years. In fact, beginning back in the good ol' days of analog photography, studios routinely outsource retouching and — of course — film processing and printing.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 16, 2005  | 

As America struggles to cope with the devastation and loss caused by Hurricane
Katrina, Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has taken unprecedented steps
to assist photographers in the affected areas. Yesterday the PPA Board of Directors
guaranteed up to $200,000 for the recently established PPA Disaster Relief Fund,
as the Association continues its fundraising efforts.

"With more than 250 PPA members in the stricken areas of Alabama, Mississippi
and Louisiana, PPA knows firsthand of the destruction caused by this hurricane,"
said Ann Monteith, PPA President. "We all watched in shock and sadness as
the scope of the damage unfolded, and we felt compelled to find a way to directly
help PPA members affected by this disaster as soon as possible. We will continue
fundraising in hopes that we can surpass the $200,000 mark."

PPA's relief fund was established last week through PPA Charities, a 501(c)(3)
organization. The original intent was to disburse the money collected to disaster
relief agencies. PPA's Board of Directors, in response to requests from
PPA members, voted this week to shift the focus of the relief fund so that it
will now be used to provide direct aid to PPA member photographers. The fund will
distribute $1,000 to each PPA member studio directly affected by Hurricane Katrina.

"PPA's members have a long history of pulling together to help each
other in times of crisis," said PPA CEO, David Trust. "PPA's
Disaster Relief Fund is another example of our members' commitment to one
another and their spirit of generosity and compassion."

In addition to directly assisting its members, PPA is contributing $10,000 ($5,000
each) to its two state Affiliates in the hard-hit areas, Professional Photographers
of Louisiana and Professional Photographers of Mississippi-Alabama. These Affiliates
will use the contributions to directly assist their members.

To request a studio grant, PPA members in the disaster areas should call PPA at
1-800-786-6277 and ask to speak with a Disaster Relief assistant. They will be
asked to provide information and details including name, studio name and address,
temporary location information, brief description of damage/loss, where the grant
money can be sent or wired, and how they can currently be reached.

How Others Can Help

PPA is challenging its other members, along with vendors and suppliers in the
industry, to join forces with PPA by contributing to the relief fund. Contributions
can be made by sending a check payable to PPA Charities to Disaster Relief, c/o
Professional Photographers of America, 229 Peachtree Street, Suite 2200, Atlanta,
GA, 30303. Please note "Disaster Relief" on the check.

PPA also needs your help getting the word out about the Disaster Relief Fund.
If you know of anyone who has been directly affected by the hurricane, please
do whatever you can to get information to them about the relief fund so they can
receive assistance right away. Please also encourage photographers with useful
information to share it on the Hurricane Katrina Forum on

PPA Charities is a charitable, non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that allows
imaging professionals to combine their individual efforts to make an impact on
the lives of children and families everywhere. It also allows PPA to become a
force for positive change in our society and to make a difference in the lives
of others. For more information about PPA Charities, visit

Professional Photographers of America (PPA), the world's largest and most
influential photographic and imaging trade organization, exists to assist its
more than 14,000 members in achieving their professional, artistic, and fraternal
goals; to promote public awareness of the profession; and to advance the making
of images in all of its disciplines as an art, a science and a visual recorder
of history. For more information about PPA, visit

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 15, 2005  | 

In response to the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, members of the
professional photography trade have established a relief effort to help industry
colleagues get back on their feet. The P.H.O.T.O. Foundation (Photographic Industry
Helping Others To Overcome) aims to rally industry support in the form of financial
contributions, loaned equipment, extended billing and payment arrangements,
and in-kind services to help photographers rebuild their businesses. Donations
may be mailed to: P.H.O.TO. Foundation, PO Box 611, Deerfield, IL 60015.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 30, 2022  | 

Professionals like Ian Harper and Henry Nathan of CP Creatives rely on MPB when they sell, trade or add the new camera equipment that’s vital to the operation of their London-based creative agency that specializes in video production and photography. Here’s why.
