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Ron Leach  |  Oct 13, 2021  | 

Photoshop users know that Vibrance and Saturation are similar but not quite the same, and these tools can be employed separately or together for different purposes. Lightroom, on the other hand doesn’t have a Vibrance tool, and if that sounds crazy just take a look; all you’ll find is a Saturation slider.

Ron Leach  |  May 11, 2023  | 

Have you heard the term “non-destructive” to characterize certain editing methods, but you’re unsure what it means? If so, we’re going to clear that up today. You’ll also learn how easy it is to get the job done using Adjustment Layers to process photos.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 28, 2016  | 

Norwegian photographer Audun Rikardsen is a professor of Freshwater and Marine Biology at the University of Tromso as well as a sell-taught photographer. He’s used his fascination with the arctic coast to make some extraordinary photographs of sea creatures above and below he surface.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 26, 2016  | 

More complaints are rolling in about the Nikon D750. Several owners of Nikon’s beleaguered, semi-pro full frame DLSR have been posting videos on YouTube showing their cameras experiencing error (ERR) messages when shooting at fast shutter speeds.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 07, 2023  | 

Too many photographers make the mistake of restricting their workflow by employing global adjustments to edit their photos. The problem is that these enhancements affect the image as a whole—thereby greatly limiting the results they achieve. That's because certain areas within the frame often require one approach while others call for totally different enhancements to create photos with balanced exposures and realistic colors.

George Schaub  |  Jun 16, 2010  | 

Modotti, a new play by Wendy Beckett, traces the life and spirit of the times of Tina Modotti, photographer and political operative, during the first half of the twentieth century. The play explores the tension between a life in art and commitment to political change, and uses the relationship between Modotti and Edward Weston, her lover and photographic "mentor", as the device. Edward Weston (Jack Gwaltney) is portrayed as seeking abstraction and the idealization of form and light in his images, while Modotti (Alysia Reiner) speaks as the representative of using art as a political weapon to enhance and encourage social change, thus creating the "art/reality" conundrum that, among other matters physical and intellectual, drive the couple apart.


Editor  |  Dec 10, 2013  | 
The subscription department of the company that owns Shutterbug has alerted me that an unauthorized telemarketer has illegally obtained a smallportion of our subscriber file and has been attempting to contact some subscribers for unsolicited renewals and payment of invoices.
Ron Leach  |  Aug 16, 2024  | 

We've had discussions in the past about how a heavy-handed approach to post processing can be worse than no editing at all and can really mess up an otherwise nice shot. There are also times that problem occur because of a failure to understand how common tools work, and this often results in easy-to-correct mistakes

Press Release  |  Dec 07, 2011  | 
Novoflex supplies a complete range of lens adapters for MicroFourThirds, Sony NEX and Samsung NXcamera bodies as well as adapters for Nikon or Leica R to Canon EOS, Medium format to Nikon, Canon or the new mirrorless camera bodies, Leica R to Nikon, etc.

The Novoflex adapters are made to very precise and high standards to ensure exact infinity focus on the adapted camera bodies. exposure metering via stop-down metering is possible as is aperture priority auto exposure on most cameras. They feature heavy duty lens locks, ribbed, matte interior finish to eliminateflare, strong springs to ensure a tight fit of the lens and the body and, most importantly, exactinfinity focus.

Staff  |  Apr 27, 2009  | 

The QuadroPod introduced by Novoflex is a four-leg tripod system.  The foundation of this system is a totally new design for a tripod collar that - thanks to its modular construction - can be equipped with different leg variations. Aluminum or carbon legs with 3 or 4 sections are available. Working heights from 2.8“ up to 70.9“ are possible with the current leg types. Moreover, additional leg types are under development, enabling working heights up to 91“. In addition, the different leg versions can be combined with each other and supplemented with clips/clamps, suction and screw-in-items from the Novoflex program.


Ron Leach  |  Dec 18, 2024  | 

Minimalism is a powerful technique used by experienced landscape photographers to create order out of the chaos inherent to complex outdoor scenes in which a myriad of unrelated elements compete for attention. This simple-but-dramatic imagery is often rendered in high-contrast b&w but there plenty of room for vibrant color, as you'll see in the video below.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 01, 2018  | 

Do you ever get frustrated trying to find attractive locations to shoot portraits? Worry that your neighborhood isn’t particularly photogenic? Think again! Interesting portrait locations are everywhere, you just have to know where and how to look.

Ron Leach  |  May 15, 2020  | 

Photographic opportunities are quite limited during his time of social distancing and stay-home orders. But these same inconveniences make this a great time to capture unique images of abandoned streets wherever you live.

Press Release  |  Feb 14, 2013  | 
The Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton College presents an Artist Talk: South Jersey Wetlands – Painting with Pixels by David Woeller on Thursday, February 21 at 6:30 pm. Woeller is a talented nature photographer and president of the Stay Focused Photo Club of the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. He will present a slideshow of his stunning photographs of the wetlands and coastal areas of New Jersey, describing his thought process for capturing each image. There will be a discussion of digital capture and processing and the freedom of expression that they have given photographers in the digital world. Images will include both traditional presentations and digital manipulations with an explanation of the processing techniques used and the reasoning for those choices. Questions and discussion are encouraged during the presentation.
Press Release  |  Aug 31, 2011  | 
Newer Technology, Inc. (NewerTech) announced the NuGuard® GripStand™ 2/GripBase Bundle for iPad 2, a multi-use solution for the Apple iPad 2 to bring it everywhere you go -- on the run, at your desk, or in the car.
