Let’s face it: Processing images is often an arduous time-consuming task, regardless of the software you use. Another truth is that most photographers would rather be out shooting than sitting behind a computer.
Today's portrait tutorial from the In Your Fayes YouTube channel borrows a popular landscape photographs technique that will supercharge your portraiture skills and enable you to capture beautiful people pictures that really grab attention.
The 50mm f/1.2 all-manual APS-C lens from TTArtisan costs around a hundred bucks and is built like an Acme anvil. It offers outstanding value for the dollar and is fun to use. But it's not perfect. Read on to review the Pros and Cons as we see them.
If you're unfamiliar with Lightroom's powerful masking filters, you've come to the right place. That's because these easy-to-use too will make a huge difference in the quality of your post-processing results.
Most photographers strive to "get it right" in the camera so they don't have to resort to serious post processing to fix the image. Unfortunately that's often difficult—if not impossible—when shooting outdoor scenes with a wide range of tones that exceed the density range of their cameras.
Bright blue featureless may be great for a trip to the beach, going on vacation, taking a bike ride, or hiking in the great outdoors. But when it comes to nature and landscape photography, well, not so much.
This quick tutorial from the How to Use YouTube channel demonstrates the power of two "crucial" Photoshop tools when editing your portrait photos. The goal is to enhance photos in an alluring, realistic way that that is very flattering to a subject.
Here's something that occurs all too often when composing images in the field: We tend to ignore what's right in front of our face, and instead we concentrate on accentuating the midrange and background of a shot.
Landscape photographers constantly grapple with complicated, messy scenes that have a wide range of tones, whether their shooting at sunrise, sunset, or in the middle of the day. As a result it's not uncommon to return home with a few images that would be spectacular were it not for the fact that they're seriously underexposed.
You've probably heard the term "Expose to the Right" (ETTR) but do you understand the benefits of this somewhat controversial technique and know how to put it to use? Today's tutorial from the Hoffman Photography YouTube channel will get you up to speed so you can begin using ETTR today.