Peter K. Burian  |  Jan 01, 1998

Is there a serious photo enthusiast out there who doesn't harbor a desire to see his or her work published? Well, the vast majority I know would love to market their images to books, magazines, and advertising agencies. In fact, the most commonly...

Mike Matzkin  |  Jan 01, 1998

The 6x7 negative or transparency is considered the ideal format. Bigger is better. There's less of a grain problem when you make big prints from fast film. In black and white the bigger negative also means an expanded gray scale. It's easier to...

Peter K. Burian  |  Jan 01, 1998

Although many of Sigma's new lenses incorporate the latest technology and/or premium grade optics, this manufacturer continues to compete aggressively in the market for affordable zoom lenses. In addition to its APO, Aspherical, and HSM series, Sigma...

Jay Abend  |  Jan 01, 1998

One of the claims often heard when talking about medium format cameras is, "With this camera you can get practically 4x5 quality." How realistic is that claim anyway? Let's face it, a 4x5 sheet of film has over three times the total real...

Roger W. Hicks  |  Jan 01, 1998

In the nature of things,
photographers tend to care more about cameras than about accessories.
It's irrational, really, as most of us buy accessories more often
than we buy cameras, but then, who saidt...

David B. Brooks  |  Jan 01, 1998

These days a raft of new image management software keeps appearing and usually just gets a passing glance from me. At one end of the spectrum there are all kinds of little utilities often bundled with hardware or another larger application to keep track of...

Rosalind Smith  |  Jan 01, 1998

Peter McDonough is concerned
with perception; not the physiological aspects of perception, but rather
how the eye sees and converts its image, what people see and what they
don't see of a given subject. Quotingthe...

Frances E. Schultz  |  Jan 01, 1998

There are those who say that there really isn't any reason, anymore, to go into the darkroom to tone prints. After all, you can sit in front of the computer and change color balance, alter brightness and contrast, and bend curves to get all kinds of...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jan 01, 1998

The thing is, we don't
always look our best. And even when we do, the face in the mirror is
not the face we're going to see in the photograph; neither is
the rest of the body. We tend to automatically editou...
